Essential Android Apps

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What theme were you using on Thumb? the ICS theme is the best and prediction and punctuation etc is better too with the prediction bar being used unlike in SwiftkeyX!
Black I think, I don't really use the predictions anyways tbh, unless I mistyped something then wrote a long word and cba deleting everything :p, and for that I prefer Swiftkey's way of having the word I want right in the middle at the top rather than having predictions of varying lengths (dependant on how long the word is, rather than just 1 third of the screen width) starting from the left with the word you typod.

I just redownloaded it and tried the ICS theme, still prefer Swiftkey, just little things like having ? as it's own key next to . and how the prediction is is better for me :).
I've just updated SwiftKey and indeed, FC everywhere! Had to reboot and all is fine.

One thing I do like about X is the stats screen and heat map, very clever!

Can anyone recommend a game to replace plants vs zombies as the gf has now completed and has a sad face as she has no game to play.
Whats civilisation ?? :o (sorry, I dont get out much)


GLWG is the hit 3D turn-based strategy game that everyone's talking about. With a unique comical style and plenty of laughs and excitement, you'll keep coming back again and again for "just one more go."
I think Thumb Keyboard really is the best keyboard on the Android market.

It's just insanely quick to type on, especially in landscape mode and I also set the keyboard height to 80% and it doesn't effect my typing ability but gives more screen estate to the UI I'm actually typing in.

I own both Thumb and SwiftKey X but SwiftKey X has this noticeable lag, it's like it doesn't recognise the next key press instantly like Thumb does.

I believe they're working on multi-touch for SwiftKey X but you have to become a VIP to test out. Not sure what that entails but why they don't just host the APK somewhere that expires after a set date, I don't know. So maybe the lack of multi-touch is what makes it slower than Thumb.

Prefer thumbs speed and layout, but SwiftKey's prediction engine is great.
I'll give Thumbs a go too...

what do you mean about the multi-touch, multiple key presses at the same time?

That's what it means yes, although technically that wouldn't help typing seeing as typing in principle is inputting characters one after the other to form a word.

However, Thumb is definitely faster after having them both installed and instantaneously switching between the two and testing.

I can only imagine the multi-touch support of Thumb allows better recognition of fast subsequent key presses as I've read that SwiftKey X doesn't support multi-touch but they're implementing it.
Ah i see what you mean. I find Swiftkey very good at reconising exactly what i'm typing even if i hit completely the wrong characters!

Is thumb just as good at that?
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