Essential Android Apps

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Documents to go on Amazon app store today :)

Is there a UK version of the Amazon app store? The apk I found for it shows all the prices in $ and won't let me download anything even the free apps... just says I need to add payment methods, which I have in my amazon account already... any ideas? :confused:
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I think so. Have a read through the features and see what you think. I love the SmartPlay feature, I don't think any others do this.
2 questions

Handcent - how can you get the message counter over 201 ? My desire was counting a lot higher?

Zip files - im trying to open one on my phone with a theme in with the top few zip apps on market but they wont open, any clue?

Beyond Pod is fantastic. It downloads the poscasts i have subscribed to, categrorises them for me, puts them in an auto play list and when its finished playing one it deletes it off the phone. I've not had to manually download or delete anything since i set it up.
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