Eurgh, the update for Swiftkey X just broke it

. Trying Thumb Keyboard now since I got it on Amazon a while ago and mrk goes on about it all the time.
Really don't like it ATM

. Hopefully it won't take long for Swiftkey to be fixed.
Edit: Hmm, after installing the update everything was force closing, rebooted the phone and the keyboard wouldn't open in any apps. Now it's working fine again

. Oh well, guess I can uninstall Thumb Keyboard

Lol, just randomly popped up saying it's saved me 10k keystrokes.
It seems to double vibrate when long pressing a key, don't remember it doing that before the update, feels horrible

Edit Again: In the actual app it says that it's saved me 25k keystrokes, not 10k, wonder why it just popped up
