Essential Android Apps

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You need to use Rings Extended to choose other files as ringtones UNLESS you use the correct directory structure and manually copy ringtones, notification tones and alarm tones for each type in their own folders.


SD Card Root
audio / ringtones / stalkingyourmom.mp3
audio / ringtones / somecrappopmusictune.mp3
audio / alarms / somecrappopmusictune.mp3
audio / notifications / awesomebleepityboop.mp3
Ok, I created an "alarms" folder under the "audio" folder and moved my song to it.

Doesnt appear when I go to the alarm and try to choose the tone.

I fail :(
Had to dump Helix 2, it kept messing up the icon labels in the app drawer, shame :(

Just installed the latest Launcher Pro beta, looks identical to the old version, no custom dock, do I need to uninstall the old version prior to slapping the new one on?

Edit: ignore me, I'm stupid, just had to press/hold the current dock icons.
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Ok, I created an "alarms" folder under the "audio" folder and moved my song to it.

Doesnt appear when I go to the alarm and try to choose the tone.

I fail :(

I think you may actually need to reboot the phone for it to pick it up. Thats what I needed when I added my notifications/tones folders.
I was hoping the new LauncherPro would add the 3D App Draw and the Glass Effect around the shortcuts at the bottom :(

I have added the guy to Twitter (decided to use it even though most people on there are spanners :p) and I will hound him to add those two things in :p
hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows on average how much data you use per month on your current apps. the vodafone upgrade i'm looking at only seems to include 500mb data :(
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