Essential Android Apps

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Any clues on apps like friendstream?
Some people suggest Pure messenger widget for that, not sure myself don't have that kind of stuff on my screens.

Been messing around with speed tests, and their app seem unreliable whilst connected through T-Mobile:


Never seem to get above 400kbps with but downloads and the other site above come in at 1.5mbps+
Does anyone know whats happened to the guardian anywhere app. It stopped working on me and I uninstalled it. Now I'm trying to find it again on market but it seems to have gone.

Have they pulled it?
LauncherPro 0.6.0 is out :D

Here’s what’s new:

  • Fixed the bug where the app drawer’s home button would show for a second after coming back from an application.
  • Fixed screen previews when choosing to have 2 homescreens
  • Fixed some folder-related bugs when 5-row option is selected.
  • New screen indicator (optional). If you’re not using the homescreen dots in your dock, you can choose do display a small indicator at the bottom of the screen to know on which homescreen you are. You can enable it in the preferences
  • New: The app drawer button is now a regular dock shortcut. That means you can change its position, change its icon, or remove it entirely.
  • New: The dock has grown! Swipe the dock to the left (down in landscape) to reveal 5 additional shortcut spaces. Now swipe it again for 5 more! That makes a total of 15 shortctus. You can add the app drawer button on the new dock spaces by long-pressing on one and choosing “App Drawer”.
  • New: Option to keep LauncherPro in memory. When you’re running low on memory, the system usually kills LauncherPro, so next time you open it, it has to reload all widgets and icons which takes a few seconds. This option should keep the system from killing LauncherPro. If you experience any troubles with it, please disable it on the settings.
How about that? I hope you like these new features as much as I do.
Nice update, that home button bug was starting to annoy me, the in memory option doesn't seem like it will be useful to me, never had an issue with it loading.
OK, listen to this one:

I can download apps from the market fine on mobile data, I can connect to my wifi at home and download apps fine, however I'm at my friends house and when connected to his wifi I can't download apps from the market, but he can fine on his android phone.

What's that all about!?
Probably the wireless security settings he's using and his phone's chipset plays ball - not all wireless devices communicate as well as the next device.

The LauncherPro update pwns ass. Now my Smart Shortcut shortcuts have gone from the homescreen freeing up even more space!
am I the only one not able to download from the Market? using stock ROM rooted for HTC Desire, all morning been stuck on starting download for appbrain
am I the only one not able to download from the Market? using stock ROM rooted for HTC Desire, all morning been stuck on starting download for appbrain

that happens to me when i'm low on space. :(

strangely, downloading the apk and installing that direct works :confused:
Using eBuddy now, looks greatand works well for MSN and the Facebook chat when friends are online.
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am I the only one not able to download from the Market? using stock ROM rooted for HTC Desire, all morning been stuck on starting download for appbrain

have you recently changed your googlemail to gmail?

that caused issues for me you have to change back to get stuff working again :)

*edit an Essential android app for me now is 3 music player. Has great looking lock screen controls.
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Discovered that the bug I have with Launcher Pro/Froyo/Apps2sd is a known one (apps disappearing from the app drawer randomly, requiring a restart of LP) and it won't be fixed until the source code for 2.2 is released. Bummer :(
Guys is it possible to get a iphone style keyboard? as i can type super quick on my ipod touch but struggle with my HTC Legend one
Theres one called 'iPhone Keyboard Emulator', but tbh, apart from changing some key placements so its like an iPhone, it makes the buttons FAR too small for me.
Free though, so give it a try. :)

Anyone use Locale?
I cant decide wether to get it or not. Seems like a cracking idea, but surely with it pinging out to WiFi, BT, GPS, etc; every 10-15mins will cane battery life?

Also, how well does the Desire work with lots of background apps? As a lot of the 'essential apps' are ones that run in the background, like locale. Can i expect any slowdown or problems after a point?

3 (Cube) music player does look quite handy, but with limited widget sizes and lack of a proper Last.FM plugin for it, it puts me off tbh.
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