So people, what root apps are you running, thought I would write my little list for someone from the desktops thread:
AdFree, blocks almost all ads from websites and applications, great for getting rid of those obtrusive ads from free aps, sure some might complain that we're not supporting the developer but I'm not going to click the ads anyway so it's inconvenience for the sake of inconvenience.
Cachemate, allows me to clean the cache files from my phone and free up some more space on internal memory, very useful to me as I do not have a lot of memory, maybe less useful on a desire.
Root Explorer, allows you to modify your phone further by changing around system files, with this you can change pre-installed apps and which apps are installed on the system partition, it's very useful for adding features to your phone. I recently used it to add live wallpapers to my phone as they are not officially released in the FW.
Market Enabler, neat little app that lets me peruse the markets of different countries, so if an app isn't on the Euro market I can change over to the US one if I want.
Screenshot, allows me to take screenshots without plugging in and without constantly having the usb icons in the status bar.
Move cache, allows me to move program caches to the sd card freeing up more space.
Wireless tether, awesome, turn your phone into a wifi hotspot, it does work well and is handy if you really want to get online on your laptop where there's no wifi.
Titanium Backup, allows me to back up any app private or otherwise, also backs up app data such as saved games etc, not had to do any restoring yet but it's nice to have the peace of mind
Quick boot, nice little app that allows me to quickly boot into special modes such as recovery and fast boot modes, much easier than pressing all those button combinations that I can't remember half the time.