Need a decent app to track how many minutes used and how much data on 3G I've transferred please, preferably with an alarm so I know I'm reaching my limit
Any ideas folks?
Need a decent app to track how many minutes used and how much data on 3G I've transferred please, preferably with an alarm so I know I'm reaching my limit
Any ideas folks?
I know O2 and Orange have free apps that track your minutes/texts usage. As for 3G data, the phones built in records do a pretty good job.
any way to make the vibrate longer when received SMS on iphone 4? just like the handcent on my HTC desire
any way to make the vibrate longer when received SMS on iphone 4? just like the handcent on my HTC desire
Oooh nice, thanks- Will give it a go.
On vodafone it only gives you your minutes usage which is a shame. Its only data im worried aboutYour welcome mate.
Does it suit your needs?
On vodafone it only gives you your minutes usage which is a shame. Its only data im worried about
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