Essential PS2 Games

Shadow of the Colossus
ZOE 2 (this is a lot better than the first, trust me!)
We love katamari
Star ocean
all of these for t-e-h win :)

(EDIT) how the hell did I forget REZ?
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Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
God of war
Devil May Cry 1/2/3
Jak & Daxter 1 & 2
Shadow of the Collosus
Gran Turismo 4
Guitar Hero
My contribution:
Pro Evo 5
Gran Tourismo 4
Final Fantasy VII and X, I think the others are not as good as these two
Tiger Woods 06 - seriously, I didn't think I'd like a golf game, sounds boring but it's addictive
Do yourself a favour and get some dance mats and get the Dance Dance Revolution games. Awesome party games. Do mix with alcohol.
Why no to God of War or Shadow of the Collusus? Not played either of them but they'd be up there on my immediate buy list if I ever actually got a PS2. As would Katamari Damacy and ICO (shame on you all for it taking til post 31 to mention, Shame!).

Guitar Hero, on the other hand, I have played, and it is fantastic. Get.

EDIT: And maybe its just me, but Dynasty Warriors is lame, and I can't see how it's had so much appeal to get 5 editions of it made. There's so little strategy to it, and it's not even particularly smooth and flowing like DMC. It's just run, hack a crapload of enemies a bit, run again, hack again, run again, hack again, run again, hack again, DIE OF REPETITIVE BOREDOM.
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Weebull said:
Why no to God of War or Shadow of the Collusus? Not played either of them but they'd be up there on my immediate buy list if I ever actually got a PS2.
They're just not my kind of thing.
They're the kind of thing I'd play for a couple of hours, think was really good but inevitably never complete and just end up selling or leaving in a dust corner.
So I figure as I know that's going to happen and i'm keeping my budget low, there's not much point bothering :p

I am amazed by how many people didn't notice that I said not God of War or Shadow of the Collossus or any multiformat games though :D

Tbh I think I'm just going to stick with what comes with the console for now and pick up Star Ocean at a later date, then see how money goes. No point buying loads when i know I'll never get round to really playing them.
You must buy GT4, it is the only reason I kept my PS2 and didnt trade it in for my 360!
DRZ said:
You must buy GT4, it is the only reason I kept my PS2 and didnt trade it in for my 360!
I'll see. I'm uber picky with racing games mainly because I'm crap at 90% of them :p Did like the first two though.
ICO - I just bought this last week. It's a very good game!
Shadow of the Collossus - The sheer scale of the collosi demands respect.
Tekken 5 - You got to at least have one fighting game in there for when the mates call round.
Gran Turismo 4 - You got to at least have one racing game and they don't come much better than GT4.
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Awesome Game!
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 - A must have!
Haly said:
You didn't read the thread did you? :p

No, you're right, you got me red handed :p

But your comment made me read through the whole thread and I now see how stupid I was to suggest Shadow of the Collossus or any game like that. :p

Whappers ;)
Zefan said:
It's kind of a fighting game, but have you played Z.O.E (Zone Of the Enders)? I thought it kicked ass :D it also has a bit of stats building in it.

Zoe is fantastic and 2 is better. Theres even a whole anime tv series of zoe.
Whappers said:
No, you're right, you got me red handed :p

But your comment made me read through the whole thread and I now see how stupid I was to suggest Shadow of the Collossus or any game like that. :p

Whappers ;)
Hehe no worries, made me smile :p

Thanks for the link Kranix, it's definitely on my to buy list once I know how money's going :)

I'm still resisting the lure of the PS2, it's helped by the fact the memory card's not arrived yet.
I've succumbed. After 5 years of not wanting a console (PC gamer here!) I am going to nab myself a PS2 and catch up on some of the games I've missed. Particularly looking forward to ICO and its sequel. Just ordered the component cables and now a trip to the console shop beckons.
We Love Katamari. ;)

Yes, we do! If you get a special or NTSC PS2 then you can get the original Katamari Damacy, which is a bit better IMO. No PAL release for that unfortunately.
If I've got the gist of the PS3, won't it be able to play PS2+PS3 games from any region? Hence there is hope if we in PAL can play NTSC PS2 games on a PS3? It would nice to think if I start building up a PS2 library that I'll be able to play them on a PS3 console.
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