Euro Truck Simulator 2 worthy of purchase

I've given up trying to paint the truck, the template is so split up it's pretty hard to figure out what's what it'd take hours and hours! I'll stick to driving the thing :D
This is actually gayer than FLightsim 2012 and Train Simulator combined.

That is my contribution to the thread !
Well somehow my skin is /working/...

Well, you can see it, sometimes, before it fades into pixels/other skins??? :confused:

Seriously this game is completely off the wall...



That all those memes are still funny after being reposted and ****posted a gazillion times by such Internet Heavens like 9gag.

Oh no, the trailer is a joke for my friend. He does weightlifting and stuff like that, so the phrase "Do you even lift?" is used a lot between us. (He was round here yesterday, and named my company for me - "We Even Lift Ltd")

I needed Arnie pointing at it as a joke, and I remembered that the image of NEVER MIND was perfect so I pasted Arnie's head on that. Elton John is just because why not I needed something on the back.

It's not meant to be all "hur dur le memes", it's just really a private joke. (And before you say while why share a private joke it's because i've spent so much time and got so much help from people here trying to get this to finally work;))
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I downloaded the demo and gave it a whirl. I drive a 3.5 tonne for a job, and sit in that shouting "speed up you piece of pooh!" .... sitting in a virtual lorry shouting "speed up you piece of pooh!" does not intrigue me. Sorry, I tried :(
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