Anything below the mid-400s is a bit tedious. I did go try a 310hp Iveco pulling 16 tons and got fed up within 5 minutes. I got past the low hp stage before SCS accurately modelled the trailer weight, thankfully.
...Not tried a 38T load, sounds like a mod?
Anyone know where to get the new DLC cheap(not on steam, can I add it since I have the disc version from release?) I am weak and going to give in.
Finally cracked and bought it. Hope it works with a 360 controller as it'll be mellow just sitting back 'n trucking.
Does anyone mod this game? If yes are there any essentials? The only one I've ever used was to remove the speed cap of 60mph so I can go yolo at 85mph on the motorway.
Im trying to find a 1.7.1 no damage mod.
The no speed limit option is now built into the game.
I can get 107mph out of my 750 volvo haha
I'm too disheartened to play at the mo... The last time I played I wasn't looking at the screen and accidentally crashed into another truck at like 80mph... 49% damage.