Euro Truck Simulator 2 worthy of purchase

ETS2 is an odd game. Its a boring idea, made great. Whereas Elite Dangerous is a boring idea, made boring.

Another game that is sort of like ETS2, not in genre at all, but in the fact its a little odd but very addictive.. 'Space Engineers'. I find myself playing for hours and never get bored, even though its just a block building game. Although I'm being a little unfair there, it is soo much more than just another block building game.

Also coming out is Empyrion, along the same lines as Space Engineers, only it has the planetary landings already in-game.

Anyway, I'm wondering.. ETS2 is the, well once you've played it, un-surprising jewel in the crown of trading games ( I'll call it that anyway). Mainly because you get to see some scenery as you go about trading, well hauling to be precise.;)
I love the game it is still that breath of fresh air when I'm sick of all the same old rubbish year after year but would love more easier customisation options on my garage or vehicles like my company logo on them all, being able to compete or buy out other companies or offer jobs to other players to complete?

One little gripe is that they have all these paint jobs like an Irish one, UK one, Scottish one but no English one....?
The ultimate goal should be for online to link up with the other simulation games like Train Simulator and the like then somewhere down the line link up with DayZ!!
Sold my Volvo and bought a Merc. Mistake. I now have buyers remorse. I know, I should have just sent the Volvo to a garage and let one of my drivers have it but I didn't.

All my drivers have the same model Iveco lorry so I think I'll end up flogging the Merc and getting another Volvo. Either that or spoil the look of my driver roster and run one garage with a mixture.
This isn't my kind of game / sim, but it actually looks pretty good. I like the feature set and I was surprised how good the graphics are when watching the trailer.
It's changed for me, I'm spending less time driving and more time managing the team of 40+ drivers I have on the books! I guess that's just like real life :)
I wish there was more on that side of the game, now I have made my company huge I would like to be able to just concentrate on upping the financials and only occasionally drive... you know when they need my expertise of running red lights, being fined for dangerous driving, breaking speed records and limits and parking like Brian Harvey!
Fired this up after a long break.

I'm lvl 12, with a company, 1 garage, my own truck, Scania R Normal, and about £120,000 in the bank. No loans.

I'm thinking of buying some trucks and hiring some drivers, highest loan I can take out is £320,000.
Does it matter what trucks I buy for my drivers? Should I just buy the cheapest?

Side question, I played for awhile with the limiter off, which was fun, but I still got speeding tickets, even though I wasn't speeding. :confused:
Fired this up after a long break.

I'm lvl 12, with a company, 1 garage, my own truck, Scania R Normal, and about £120,000 in the bank. No loans.

I'm thinking of buying some trucks and hiring some drivers, highest loan I can take out is £320,000.
Does it matter what trucks I buy for my drivers? Should I just buy the cheapest?

Side question, I played for awhile with the limiter off, which was fun, but I still got speeding tickets, even though I wasn't speeding. :confused:

Take out the max loan and invest it in drivers, the income easily covers the interest rate. I played before the latest expansion, it didn't matter what truck you used for drivers so I always bought the cheapest. I've never been fined when not speeding.
Doesn't matter what trucks you buy the AI drivers. They have a mythical ability to pull massive loads out of quarries in a 310hp 4x2 crapbox. ;)
'Downloaded' this for a laugh on Saturday when a mate was over. 1 hour later we both bought it on steam and installed the online mod. We played it from about midday till 9pm sunday...

It's hard to explain why, but damn this game is fun. Certainly not what I'd usually consider my kind of thing.
Its a game I can put down and not play for weeks. Then when I return, I think to myself, why did I put it down.
Then a few weeks later I go and repeat the whole process again. Its odd, but great games can be like that and ETS2 is a great game.
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