Let’s move on and change of topic because this is rather circular.
Here’s the latest on Musks ‘boneheaded’ decision to sack the whole supercharger team.
After firing its Supercharger team, Tesla is unsurprisingly finding it hard to manage contractors who previously worked with the team.
The TLDR is they are asking their suppliers for ‘patience’ while they arrange for them to be paid for their work. Utterly ridiculous.
Allegedly he fired the whole business unit, including the leading executive because they wouldn’t accept the headcount reduction being imposed on them because they were critical to the future of the company. Musk didn’t like it so fired the whole business unit and the executive to make an example of them.
Literally cutting your nose off to spite your face. This whole thing which could prove to be one of the biggest missteps of his tenure at Tesla. He has potentially inflicted damage that could get them back years.