EV general discussion

i get what your saying, yes home would be best, and in case i cant charge anywhere, home is always the place you would be able to charge

id have to inquire about work and home charging
If I were in your scenario I wouldn't have a Leaf. In fact, I wouldn't have an electric car at all.

The main benefit to owning an electric car is being able to charge it at home. Both for convenience and cost.

A benefit for sure, but not the only one. I don't have a driveway so can't always guarantee charging at home and I haven't had any issues yet. If he can charge at work for free like he says then you'd actively avoid charging at home anyway and potentially have zero fuel costs for commuting.
ahh that's interesting

tell me more :D (please)
I wouldn't be too concerned about trailing a cable. It all depends on where you live, your neighbourhood etc. If you left a £250 cable out overnight would it get nicked? Lots of people have found creative ways round being able to charge at home.

Personally, I wouldn't have an early electric car as my only car (can you borrow your mums for longer journeys?)
Charging at work is a bonus - but I wouldn't want to rely on it. Free chargers have a habit of becoming paid for charges, or being in use by other people whenever you want them. How far is your commute? Is it motorway, or country road?

Ultimately - if you really want to give electric a go you've not really got anything to loose by giving it a go. If it doesn't work out you can always sell it and go back to ICE or hybrid.

Also, keep in mind there are other ways to save on fuel. LPG and hybrid are other options. Although at only 6k a year, I'd much prefer a 'fun' car and sod the fuel costs.
A benefit for sure, but not the only one. I don't have a driveway so can't always guarantee charging at home and I haven't had any issues yet. If he can charge at work for free like he says then you'd actively avoid charging at home anyway and potentially have zero fuel costs for commuting.
How do you charge a car if you no have a drive way :confused:
How do you charge a car if you no have a drive way :confused:

At work, via public chargers, at destination, and at home with cable covers and other safety/security measures.

I think I've charged at home twice so far, having done 600 miles, but obviously the lockdown has affected things (mainly in that I'm now driving into work instead of cycling and I can charge there for free off a 3-pin).
Just remembered, e-car club were doing free 30 day rentals of EVs, I think Zoe's, so you could trial them out and test charging in the real world. You just paid for charging. They may have stopped it now due to the lockdown but worth a look or keeping your eye on in the future.
difficult to see the situation im in, without actually being here

charging at home would be difficult

even if id be allowed to put it on the drive, the inconvenience of my parents would be too high (not going into details)

but anyway, no i cant use my mum's car, its all set correctly for her (due to her problems) also im not allowed to use it as a daily commute car, its hers not mine lol

i will inquire tomorrow about the work one , hopefully he will say i could use it daily or once a week or something

I drive 6 miles to work, 30 mph until i get out of home (1 mile) then 50/60 mph all the way, then last mile is 30 mph again
nice and straight forward

takes me 10-15 mins in my car
It’s a completely different proposition having a 200mile+ range Tesla to a 80 mile Leaf and no home charging. One you can charge significantly less often and still have enough daily range.

I love my EV but wouldn’t bother without home charging. My workplace has 6x chargers. 18 months ago there was never any issue plugging in. Now, every day they’re full by 8am. As EVs set more popular you have to consider that it’s going to be more difficult charging in public, not easier. And what if they change their mind? Or other people get jealous and kick up a fuss? Or you change jobs?

...but none of that bothers me as I know I can wake up to 100% each morning. Each to their own, though. And a lot depends on mileage and how frequently you would realistically need to charge.
yes that does worry me, not being able to charge it because all the bays are full or broken

Goggle seems to suggest up to an hour it be free , is there a way to check on a pod point ?
ah !
probably 7KW one is free
at least i can get say a first hours charge for free then (but ill have to check)

at least its still cheaper than my car, which is costing me a grand a year in fuel alone (28mpg !!)
ah !
probably 7KW one is free
at least i can get say a first hours charge for free then (but ill have to check)

at least its still cheaper than my car, which is costing me a grand a year in fuel alone (28mpg !!)
Rapid chargers are not cheap. Outside of charging at home, the leaf costs about the same 'per mile' to drive as our diesel - and the diesel is only £20 a year to tax.

If you're looking to save some money on fuel, there's plenty of non-electrics that will easily double what you're getting. Just don't expect them to have the same appeal as a £50k Tesla. :p
Any way of checking if the pod point after a certain time charging it starts costing money? Is there notices there to tell you or on a screen or the pod point app or something?

Says free to use, even in the zap map chat people are saying free
But for how long..
Asked one manager at work, she says I should be able to park there all day, first 2 hours is free , but I'll find out for definite

If I use a rapid charger , cost to charge ? I assume one near me says 0.35 a kw so around £8 for a full charge? Is that right?
Download the pod point app. It'll show the tariff for all the chargers there.

There are free 7kw pod point chargers in the shopping centre near me. After 3 free hours they become £10 a hour. There are Pod point 7kw chargers in our local Sainsburys are free, however the car park has a 3 hour limit with ANPR cameras. There's also a Pod Point fast charger that was installed at the new local Lidl - was free for a few months - now 23p Kw.

Also keep in mind, a 2013/4 Leaf won't qualify for the grant to get a home charger installed.
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