I'm just curious with the cost of charging and the cost of buying a BEV plus the cost of living how many will go back to an older ICE car
Not just cost but also the convenience of owning an ICE car
I’m not sure I buy the convenience point, my tesla has been no more or less convenient than my old ICE.
I drove up to Scotland a few weeks ago, ~400 miles and the best part of 7 hours driving. The car needed to stop twice to charge for 20 mins each to get up there. I needed to stop more frequently and as such we were not waiting for the car at all.
Edit: to be clear, that assumes you have somewhere to charge! I wouldn’t buy an EV if I didn’t.
Yeh I get costs, particularly if you want to get out the leasing game or your circumstances change.
So this is useful, we have offset solar, I wondered how it worked. From what you're saying, I have to tell it to use solar (but how does the house tell it to use solar)? I think my house (being offset) just uses solar energy when and while it can so actually better to charge the car in the day time. I was also thinking about lolling it right up with a couple of portable panels and an ANKER power converter, especially if we had a summer like last year
What do you mean by offset solar?
The way it works is that the charger has three modes, super eco, eco, normal. The charger as a power monitoring clamp that goes onto the main cable going into your house. It monitors for power going out from your house and being exported to the grid, it matches the charge rate of the car to make that export zero (or close to). For car charging you need a minimum power of 1.4kw and most chargers that support solar have these three modes.
On super eco the charger will only take excess solar, if the excess solar drops below 1.4kw, charging stops.
On eco, the charger will maintain a minimum of 1.4kw charge rate and fill in any gaps with grid energy.
On normal it will charge at 7.4kw all the time.
Unfortunately you have to manually swap between those modes and any schedule you may want to apply, it doesn’t take take the excess solar in the day if you left it on an overnight schedule and forgot to swap it and vice versa, you may wake up to an empty car if you forgot to swap it back to an overnight charge.
They say they are working on that but I don’t buy things on the promise of a future update.
If you have a hot water cylinder or plan to get one, you may be better off with a Zappi so you can also use their Eddi device. The zapppi is cleverer than a hypoervolt but it looks a bit like a toilet seat (sorry- once you have seen it, you can’t un-see it).