Electric will be mainstream before Hydrogen gets a chance to do the same. Doubt it will be supplanted after that. Everyone else will be conventionally fuelled or hybrid.
Indeed. And there's no escaping the fact hydrogen FCEVs (HFCVs) are simply much less efficient EVs. You have to use electricity to create the hydrogen, you then transport the hydrogen, store it and create electricity from it. The efficiency losses compared to simply using the electricity directly are enormous. Meanwhile EVs and battery technology continues to improve at a remarkable pace and it's obvious why it's where the main focus is for most companies.
Would be nice if the public infrastructure caught up and there are still improvements to be made. But I've lived with EVs for 5 years now and I don't regret it one bit. I look forward to further range increases and charging improvements which will help others jump on board. Forget FCEVs for personal transportation, they're not the answer.