i must admit i am completely ignorant to the different finance deals. is PCP the same as a lease? if so that is from what i can tell the best way to buy an ev these days, esp if you can get company car perks on it.
for me out right buying a brand new car is just not something i could stomach the losses on myself but to each their own. and as i mentioned above, i failed to catch the falling knife as well even going 2nd hand.
even so tho, i cant lose as much on the car as it had already lost when i bought it, so there is that at least.
until i got my ipace all my cars had been cash in hand purchases (sometimes with a trade in).... but that is easier done when the money you are handing over is well under £10k
PCP is kind of like a hybrid lease
Normal leases you pay some kind of downpayment (its often advance rental in effect), you pay monthly then at the end hand it back
PCP technically is a purchase method but there is an option to hand it back, walk away at the end of the term, you would do this if the car is worth less than the balloon.
Balloon often somewhat misleadingly being called guaranteed future value. Typically they are very cautious on this value.
Normally PCP is structured so that the expected value of the car at the end is more than the outstanding balloon payment (to take full ownership)
So what happens is people get car 1, at the end the may have a car worth say £10k and a balloon of £9k. The dealer says I can take your equity (£10k-£9k) and use that as your deposit for car 2.
You can have this brand new xyz for £350 per month.
You don't have to do that, but many do.
Hence the "they are only getting cars on PCP that they cannot afford"
Equally it can often be a very smart thing to do. Dealer and manufacturer contributions can be significant.
When I bought my last car I got £3.5k from VW finance that I could not get buying outright. Made it a no brainer.
Like any finance the key is to understand the costs of the finance. Your borrowing most of the value of the car this way, certainly until quite late in the term. So your paying quite a lot of finance.
Leases will often be slightly cheaper in monthlies but they are a bit less flexible generally.
If your only ever going to switch at the end of 2/3/4 years then a lease can be better.
Both leases and PCP have a get out "hand it back" when 50% of the payments have been made. Lease is simple, PCP however the 50% includes the balloon so its likely on most PCP deals you cannot get out of it until the very end.