EV general discussion

I know I should not click it... amd probably.not post it either (but it's more relevant than most recent posts :D )

I just read this rant whilst waiting for a. appointment...... and it turns out.

12v battery failed. something which happens to all cars now and then esp after 4 years or so.

it's a massive nothing burger of a story but makes the daily mail and has the usual numbwits posting in the comments.

fwiw over the last 3 years I have had to put a new 12v battery in 3 cars.

2 of them let me down by not starting without any warning, previously the cars had started fine.... and I was stranded.....

one of them whilst admittedly gave.a few weird errors never failed to get me from A to B.

it was the EV which didn't actually break down!
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I guess I have been lucky as the only battery I have ever had to change was the original on a 11 year old Focus Mk1 that I had from new. You wait, I've probably just jinxed myself now. :p
Well I had to change the battery on both my key fobs on my born (sep22 and not keyless entry) Odd as my 14yr old BMW fobs work fine (but they charge when in car apparently ).

Needed new rears on it at 22k. Fitted by zenith supplier but rather than contiseal they saved a few quid on Michelin primacy. Got a puncture Monday and so a new tyre booked in Saturday.

Timing ain’t great as my other car is in for some upgrades (with my dewalt 18v pump the boot) so I have a 5 min tyre pump session every time I drive it at moment with a borrowed 12v emergency pump. At least there’s a 12v socket in the boot. Car fun
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I know I should not click it... amd probably.not post it either (but it's more relevant than most recent posts :D )

I just read this rant whilst waiting for a. appointment...... and it turns out.

12v battery failed. something which happens to all cars now and then esp after 4 years or so.

it's a massive nothing burger of a story but makes the daily mail and has the usual numbwits posting in the comments.

fwiw over the last 3 years I have had to put a new 12v battery in 3 cars.

2 of them let me down by not starting without any warning, previously the cars had started fine.... and I was stranded.....

one of them whilst admittedly gave.a few weird errors never failed to get me from A to B.

it was the EV which didn't actually break down!
Maybe I read things differently but wasn't it a story about Tesla's faceless customer service (or lack of) which may or may not be a thing with a not so subtle dig at the fact that a Billionaire was bitching about recovery costs and how he was most put out having to send one of his men out.

As for the 12V battery, without knowing more it could well be the vehicle at fault. Especially if charging it up has rendered it perfectly fine. There was no comment on how long the vehicle was left but if one day it was fine, the next the battery is so flat the thing won't spark into life and then a few hours on a charger all is well again then the car hasn't managed the charge level properly... But we don't know if that is the case or not.
Tesla service can be very inconsistent, when it works, its great, when it doesn't it can be dire.

I've not clicked the article but I can see the issue here. Tesla take an extremely hard line to warranty and this can be to their detriment. To put it simply, if the issue is not reported to Tesla before the warranty expires, even if the failure happened prior to it expiring, its a hard no for any kind of 'goodwill' repair and there is zero flexibility in this policy.

If you report a failure on 4 years and 1 day (or 50,001) miles, you are paying. You could have had a £200 failure or a £15k failure (say a battery on 8 years and 1 day), it doesn't matter matter. You could have bought 5 cars from them the day before, they wouldn't budge. That is the sort of thing that would turn a 'loyal' customer away to another brand.

Of course as you are out of warranty, there is no loan cars (assuming they have one available) and you'll need your own recovery which catches a lot of people out also.

Edit: curiosity got the better of me (damn you @bigmike20vt).

In fairness to Tesla, it's not true that you can't speak to anyone, there are people you can also call. Given the car has broken-down, they could have just called Tesla Roadside. As the car was in warranty when it broke down, they would have recovered it back to the service centre and fixed it for free. That would have avoided all the internet drama but yes if you didn't do that and the warranty then expired, you are on your own as above. First world problems mind given they have a personal security guard to drive you around instead.
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I guess I have been lucky as the only battery I have ever had to change was the original on a 11 year old Focus Mk1 that I had from new. You wait, I've probably just jinxed myself now. :p

Think I've mostly changed mine around the 7 year mark and only because I do quite a bit of driving at night, can be in relatively remote places, they'd probably manage another 2-4 years or more - but that that point I've either noticed some hesitancy starting in the cold and/or they are stabilising a bit down on voltage compared to what I'd like to see.
1 year old car on manufacturers warranty under a sweet PCP ? no issue with that - low fixed ruuning costs ,
I wavered on habitual cash purchase of a 3yr old ID3 for 15K , seems you could get get a e-208 with some warranty for similar, too.
That’s a lot of car for the money these days and if you just need a small hatchback that doesn’t need to go very far, it’s hard to argue with the proposition.

I’m not sure I’d agree it was 47% off though because no one paid £32k for a new one. A brand new one sells for £20k, allegedly £12k off a price no one would ever pay for it.

You can get a slightly older one on a 73 plate with sub 5k miles for £2500 less (<£13k). I’d have probably gone with one of those.
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