Even more Star Wars films coming.

If they do the KotOR storyline that everyone is speculating about then it might work well. They seem to be adept at adapting previous works so it might be good (and Kotor is awesome) but I guess we'll wait and see.

I wonder when they'll announce the 'hugely anticipated' trilogy focused on the amazing adventures of Dex, the diner owner and how he and Kenobi met?
The chaps that literally destroyed GoT when original books material dried out are to be given series of Star Wars films? Oh come on, may as well just give it all away, give another series to Lindeloff, yet another to Uwe Boll and ef it - let Tommy Wiseau have one as well. At least James Franco will make a solid, good "making of" movie out of it a decade later.

What a load of drivel. Game Of Thrones is utterly washed out. Anyone defending it at this point must have been lobotomised.

Ah, very edgy. I guess it's true, empty bins rattle the loudest! Comparing them to Uwe Boll is beyond the pale. :rolleyes:

Will be interesting to see where they can take this - hope it has very little to do with the current stories/timelines.
Ah, very edgy. I guess it's true, empty bins rattle the loudest! Comparing them to Uwe Boll is beyond the pale. :rolleyes:

Will be interesting to see where they can take this - hope it has very little to do with the current stories/timelines.
Let's look back at some of the best TV shows that I have enjoyed recently. Breaking Bad, Turn: Washington's Spies, Hell On Wheels, Sons of Anarchy, Battlestar Galactica, Black Sails.

Notice that all of these shows have ended. Some might be argued to have gone on too long, others maybe cut off too soon. But they all had an end point and that is crucial in good story telling.

My concern with Game Of Thrones and any future Star Wars additions is that they are being dragged out. It's clear to me that GoT is now limping along with a convoluted story line. How long is it actually going to take for the White Walkers to finally get over the wall and invade?

Look at the new Star Wars movies. What is the point in them? What is the end goal? Nobody has a clue and Disney are just winging it to keep the cash cow trundling along.

You can criticise how I might articulate my point online, that's fair enough but don't suggest that I don't have a point.
Ah, very edgy. I guess it's true, empty bins rattle the loudest! Comparing them to Uwe Boll is beyond the pale. :rolleyes:

Nothing edgy about it, story lines of the last 10-12 episodes of GoT were written by those two, rather than based on R.R. Martin's books, surely if you follow the show you too can see sharp nose dive in quality and time/space bending crazy things happening around Westeros. Fleets and armies jetting around, 20 minute dives, olympic runs to the wall, "skip the closest target" javelin toss. Stuff straight from Uwe's book of plot ideas. :D
The TV show diverged from the books in many respects ages ago. Some storylines are completely different

I don't agree that there has been an obvious drop in quality

Time has been compressed from season 7 onward, but that's because they only had two seasons left to cram lots of plot in to.

It's not like the actors want to commit to 5 more years just so they can keep the rather glacial pace up of previous series.
Time has been compressed from season 7 onward, but that's because they only had two seasons left to cram lots of plot in to.

It's not like the actors want to commit to 5 more years just so they can keep the rather glacial pace up of previous series.

They selected to cram it into two short seasons, to extract more money. By the time last episode of those two half baked seasons airs, the actors would have committed nearly 4 years of their lives anyway. And, let me be a little rude - here's the worlds smallest funky violin playing for them - I'm sure they have plenty of B movies and **** short lived shows to come back to in a hurry as well, if they are so tired of playing in the biggest show in TV's history. But that's a discussion for another time and another thread. :)
We need them to cover Han Solo's (supposed) landing on Earth in the late 19th century.

Haven't watched the latest film yet but was actually quite intrigued at the end of Force Awakens that LS exile might have been on Earth, appears now it's not.
All Disney Star wars films are awful so far

no plot no character development not even a decent lightsaber fight in three films so far dreadful

i gave up after The Last Jedi
The Rey & Kylo v Praetorian Guards fight was excellent so I don't think you can say there haven't been any decent fights. Also, Vader's little sequence in RO was awesome.

I agree about the rest though.
There was no weight behind the scene it made no sense

in the force awakens they were trying to kill each other then they have a little force connection and she decides i am going to fly to his ship to have a talk for some reason

it was not a lightsaber battle as the guards did not have lightsabers also it was very poorly choreographed compared to the prequel fights
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Since the first three all every film release has done is dull the series it's now just another cash cow that will be milked to death with no regard go whether it makes sense or not. I only hope Disney cave to the cash cow that would be a bluray/4K release of the original films as they were shown before the updates etc! If they'd throw in a new tie fighter pc game then they can do what they like with the rest of it I'm past careing!
I only hope Disney cave to the cash cow that would be a bluray/4K release of the original films as they were shown before the updates etc! If they'd throw in a new tie fighter pc game then they can do what they like with the rest of it I'm past careing!

Last i heard that's not going to happen, the word that was doing the rounds were the changes Lucas made to the original negative was permanent when he first did the special editions. Not even sure if would be possible to undo it.
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