Every band has one Album

How about these ?

MeatLoaf - Bat out of Hell (defining moment & step into the big time)
Marillion - Misplaced Childhood (defining moment & step into the big time)
Moby - Play (defining moment)
Van Halen -1984 (defining moment & step into the big time)
Pink Floyd - Dark side of the moon (defining moment)
Guns 'n' Roses - Appetite For Destruction (defining moment & step into the big time)
Whitesnake - 1984 (defining moment)
Bon jovi - slippery when wet (defining moment)
Therapy? - Infernal Love (defining moment)
Depeche Mode - Violator (defining moment)
Living Color - Time's Up (defining moment & step into the big time)
The Mission - Children (defining moment)
Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison (defining moment)

That'll do for now from me....
Mr.Orb said:
Muse - Origin of Symmetry
Feeder - Echo Park
The Prodigy - Experience

I can understand Music For the Jilted Generation... but fat of the land... :/

"Serial Thrilla, Serious Killer!" :o
carzy said:
Radiohead - Kid A - their best album definitely.
Oooh you fiend. I'm not even going to start....
Nitefly said:
Definitive? Not so sure about that. FOTL really broke them with Joe Public, but I think Jilted Generation is more archetypal Prodigy than anything they did before that.
Did someone just say that absolution was muse's defining moment. Both Origin Of Symmetry and Showbiz were miles miles better and got them to the big time. I would say that absolution rode entirely on that success.
avenged sevenfold - city of evil

not a popular band on here, but this album certainly launched them into the limelight somewhat

have to agree with muse - oos, absolutly stunning album, i also have to agree with mars volta - deloused, i have to thank carzy and some other guys (really sorry but it was a while ago) for giving me a e-kickin for saying there crap and getting me to listen to deloused

derfderfley said:
Van Halen -1984 (defining moment & step into the big time)

Van Halen were big time from their debut album and every album after that went down bank. 1984 did bring them back a bit though.
I saw them twice on their first tour supporting Sabbath and they were awesome.

And who said Sabbath Bloody Sabbath was Sabbaths defining moment?
cleanbluesky said:
Ye gods man, wont you think of the children before making such wild accusations as that?

Lateralus owns everything
I'm with cbs on this, Lateralus is better than AEnima.

I'm still growing to like 10,000 days more though, all the little intricacies in Danny's drumming, especially in Right In Two, are just plain awesome.

Iron Maiden's The Number of the Beast seems to be considered a definitive album, but I don't like it myself. Powerslave or Brave New World would win it for me.

Opeth - Blackwater Park
Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element Part 1
Rush - Moving Pictures
m3csl2004 said:
avenged sevenfold - city of evil

not a popular band on here, but this album certainly launched them into the limelight somewhat


The only semi-decent A7X album. All the rest of their **** is well....****.

And damn straight, De-Loused is brilliant.
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve (though Nothing is my favourite)
DEATH - Individual Thought Patterns
Chick Corea - Light as a Feather (because it's such a good album)
Level 42 - The Early Tapes

could name more but my fingers are cold
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