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EVGA Warrany Trouble!

Just wanted to +1 Logitech, I bought a Performance MX mouse for about £70. Three years later it wasnt holding a charge anymore. Emailed customer services on the off chance and they sent me a MX Performance mouse that retailed at £90 for free. No reciepts, no serial numbers or haggling involved. I couldn't believe it.

Anyway OP hope you get your card sorted soon.

Here are a couple pictures of the package as it was received. Each product is inspected for damage upon opening the package so that we can document how the product was received and the condition of the packaging. In this case, there did not look to be sufficient packing material to prevent the moving of the product during transit and there looks to be the impact point of the damage that occurred on the side of the box (second picture below). Unfortunately, we would not be able to cover this under warranty. You may try to claim the damage with the shipper, which they would come pick up the package from EVGA with a call tag once you have made your claim. The replacement price does look to be a bit high to me so we will contact you with a lower price offer to replace the card.


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I tell you what, you can keep the card, and place it where the sun dont shine, you are not on my list of future graphics card purchases.


Here are a couple pictures of the package as it was received. Each product is inspected for damage upon opening the package so that we can document how the product was received and the condition of the packaging. In this case, there did not look to be sufficient packing material to prevent the moving of the product during transit and there looks to be the impact point of the damage that occurred on the side of the box (second picture below). Unfortunately, we would not be able to cover this under warranty. You may try to claim the damage with the shipper, which they would come pick up the package from EVGA with a call tag once you have made your claim. The replacement price does look to be a bit high to me so we will contact you with a lower price offer to replace the card.


The box looks fine to me? i dont get what EVGA are trying to show by posting the OP pics of the packaging.

Unless you place the product in a bomb proof box how can the end user protect its product from a courier?

I for one wont be buying a EVGA card or mobo in the future if this is the way they try and get out of RMAs.
Might not be enough to hurt you EVGA nick, but im glad you posted the pics of the packaging as this will tell people on these forums to stay away from your products in the future.

Your RMA is a joke!
EVGA, do the right thing and send him an RMA replacement, is £120 or whatever a 460 goes for these days worth the bad publicity?

1500 people have read this thread, when i put it on other forums in the next hr or so, maybe 10,000?

Just getting some screengrabs, they have picked on the wrong dude here.
Nothing wrong with that box, and if the card inside was wrapped in bubblewrap I can't see how it could have taken a large enough hit to do that to the PCB, those things are tough!

Here are a couple pictures of the package as it was received. Each product is inspected for damage upon opening the package so that we can document how the product was received and the condition of the packaging. In this case, there did not look to be sufficient packing material to prevent the moving of the product during transit and there looks to be the impact point of the damage that occurred on the side of the box (second picture below). Unfortunately, we would not be able to cover this under warranty. You may try to claim the damage with the shipper, which they would come pick up the package from EVGA with a call tag once you have made your claim. The replacement price does look to be a bit high to me so we will contact you with a lower price offer to replace the card.



Balb0wa, you will be contacted ASAP with details of this, but I can confirm RMA is good and you will be sent a new card. I have also spoken with the chaps in Munich and you might also get a t-shirt or two...even some mouse pads. They will contact you soon to arrange.

Note to all customers: Warranty/support is something EVGA takes very seriously. You the customers make EVGA what it is, and we always try and go the extra mile where possible to ensure consumers always get the best experience. However this does highlight a valid point, always take images of how cards are packed when sending away for RMA. It is not the consumer or EVGA's fault if the card is damaged en route, which is why taking a few images to back up your case is a good thing. I hope this and Nic's continued efforts will support the claim that EVGA gives the best possible service to customer at ALL times. It also points out the fact that we deal with customers as individuals, and always listen to feedback.
Agreed, box doesn’t seem battered enough to sustain that sort of damage to the PCB. Strange that they didn’t post a picture of the supposed poor packaging when the OP says that it was bubbled wrapped etc.

Seems to me like EVGA trying to get out of an RMA if the OP did package the product as described and going by the conduction of that box
Thank you very much

Balb0wa, you will be contacted ASAP with details of this, but I can confirm RMA is good and you will be sent a new card. I have also spoken with the chaps in Munich and you might also get a t-shirt or two...even some mouse pads. They will contact you soon to arrange.

Note to all customers: Warranty/support is something EVGA takes very seriously. You the customers make EVGA what it is, and we always try and go the extra mile where possible to ensure consumers always get the best experience. However this does highlight a valid point, always take images of how cards are packed when sending away for RMA. It is not the consumer or EVGA's fault if the card is damaged en route, which is why taking a few images to back up your case is a good thing. I hope this and Nic's continued efforts will support the claim that EVGA gives the best possible service to customer at ALL times. It also points out the fact that we deal with customers as individuals, and always listen to feedback.
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