I know I come across like I'm defending the game from criticism but that's not what I'm trying to portray... I'm not telling people to ignore the problems I'm simply stating that it's actually a really good game, one I have no mates on PC playing yet even online in pub matches it's a blast.
I'll probably pick this up on Sale at some point... I can imagine the fun and banter you can have with friends if there's five of you playing
Thanks for the feedback eekfek, you're literally one of the only chaps actually explaining the game rather than the useless "I'm not enjoying it" posts with no explanation.
So about a week after release.. whats the verdict? yay or nay? people still playing it?
TotalBiscuits Evolve vid. A fair assessment of the games problems and merits and also tackles the DLC non-problem.
Has the cost of Monsters DLC been announced yet?
During the preorder as part of one of the purchase options, it lists the RRP of one of the monsters. They have since removed that RRP. iirc its around $15 dollars, if you google around you will see that figure. The hunters are going to be 7.50.
Can anyone tell me if the hunters will be unlockable or purchasable only?