Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Hung parliament is a good thing if you have a more representative system as it makes forming a coalition easier. Coalition is a good this as it leads to more representative government, engages the electorate and makes them feel like their votes actually count.

Ask the lib dems how entering coalition works with .uk voters...
Let's hope the local livestock feel the same, hey?
The I'm sure the hunt really gives a **** about livestock as it gallivanting around town with the hounds.

That excuse was huge propaganda 10 years ago and is even more laughable today.

What's even more comical is that if that poor excuse wasn't used, farmers in actual need would have more rights today to do something about livestock loses
Brexit will be a nightmare now. I think a lot of voters voted with out thinking of the future.
Brexit will be a nightmare regardless a majority for either party would make it no smoother or more paletable for s huge section of the electorate. This result is just the pointlessness of the reffurenfum coming back to bite us, we have divided the electorate and broken our system we need change!
I never understand this, I have seen no evidence of 'cuts' I live in a rural town so perhaps we did not suckle from the public treasury as much

My father is a full time carer for my terminally ill mother and his own health isn't so great.(She has late stage young dementia / picks disease)

The budget for emergency respite care was removed.

He had a heart attack and the care firm wanted to charge him £30 an hour, which he didn't have.

So instead of recovering, he was back out of the hospital 6 hours after heart surgery.

That's just one story of many, except others involve people actually dying.
Alternatively maybe conservative policies were so off putting it was a far more sensible choice :)

Also may looked like me giving a gcse presentation when talking, hasn't a clue
She is a terrible speaker, true.
Let's hope David Davis or Boris replace her
I dunno, I get the impression that most people realise that free movement of people cannot be avoided by being in the single market. That implies a hard brexit doesn't it?
Yup, a hard Brexit is inevitable if immigration is a red line, but at least the government can no longer claim that it had any sort of mandate when it crashes us out.
She is a terrible speaker, true.
Let's hope David Davis or Boris replace her

David Davis has an even more arrogant look about him. When I watched him in the PMQs he looked like he was there to chill... Sitting there as if he was made to go and that being there was beneath him.

Boris... Well.... We all know he's been after this job for a while and he would certainly put party before people.

It would take a good leader to swap my vote over.... As well as a change in their manifesto.
Thank the idiots who voted Labour, they'll now know what it's like not to have a strong and stable government. You just handed the EU a blank cheque to screw us over, even remainers are going to suffer because of this result, but then the left love shooting themselves in the foot. They really do hate their own country don't they?
Hilarious. Thanks for sharing. Doesn't appear worthy of serious engagement but just quickly, to see the full extent of the hilarity ...

Are you one of those demanding Farage receive a knighthood for the results of his 25 years of sabotaging UK interests in Europe?
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