Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Oh dear, not good. Saw the exit poll and went to bed, thunderstorm outside, dreamt the exit poll was wrong and that I'd woken up to PM Corbyn so could be worse ;)

Some early thoughts:
- Guessing Conservatives & DUP will be the coalition government, good news for Northern Ireland civil engineering companies;
- UK Independence is definitely under threat here, the likelihood of us being forced to withdraw triggering Article 50 has just gone through the roof;
- It was a colossal mistake to have a remain supporting PM following the Brexit vote;
- There's a very real prospect of Jeremy Corbyn becoming the Prime Minister of this country one day. Let that sink in;
- Though the Conservative campaign was awful, the media, particularly the TV corporations gave Corbyn a much easier ride than he deserved;
- British voters prefer politicians who lie to them and tell them everything is going to be fine and dandy, over politicians who are honest about the tough decisions they feel they have to make;
- Labour supporters might be celebrating tonight, but they're probably celebrating creating Prime Minister Boris Johnson;
- We've lost Nick Clegg and Alec Salmond from Parliament - hooray!
- There must be another general election this year - boo :(
- Great to see young people turn out in numbers, even if they didn't vote for who I wanted - the system must start working for this demographic;
- By far the biggest winners of the night are Jean-Claude Juncker and Angela Merkel.
As a Conservative voter this is a very poor. Happier than I could be with a Labour victory but a real messy situation. The EU will be laughing their socks off.
Well... just put the news on and the BBC are capering around as if the Tories lost.

No doubt this has backfired spectacularly for May but the fact remains she has only really gone from a narrow majority to a narrow minority. It will take all the other parties voting against and a few Tory MP's not turning up to guarantee a defeat. If they'd only returned 300 MP's then maybe. And Labour must be asking themselves how much better they might have done with a different leader, more engaged with the less radical side of things.

Good new from this is our pron is probably safe for the time being, as the more extreme ideas May was touting about the Internet unlikely to get through. Bad news, just about everything else from where do we go with Brexit, to the possible effect on interest rates (though my savings and pension would welcome a 1 - 2% rise in the base rate).

And what's the smart money on yet another GE in less than two years?
Well, I fell asleep on the sofa with the coverage on the TV.
Interesting result. I don't think there is any mandate to hold another referendum or to back out of Brexit as both the largest parties are saying they will go ahead. If the LD vote had been enormous then I can see that there would be a good argument for that but they didn't.

A total disaster for May. She should hang her head in shame.
May will be gone soon and I think the chance of a second election is high.

Very interesting, if worrying, times ahead.
happy this morning as although a normal Cons voter I voted against the Cons stance on Brexit

there will not be another EU referendum, and we will still be leaving - but I'm much much more confident this morning that the Brexit will be no-where near as hard - will be a soft squashy Brexit
To those people saying labour voters are idiots. I can't in all rights vote for a party/leader that still thinks fox hunting ban overturn should be voted for by mps- seriously? How out of touch do you have to be! In this day and age tearing a fox apart with dogs is just sick. I'm not a country person but if culling is a requirement there are more humane ways of doing things. I personally think humans are more of a problem to this world than excess foxes but I do not think we should start culling ourselves.
As for this being bad for brexit, it was always going to be bad - we ***** them off and they've got the numbers. Coming from an immigrant family (albeit from after WWII and invited) I can tell you my relatives are actually quite bitter about us leaving. And why are we blaming voters when we used our votes in our democratic choice, should I have voted tactically making a mockery of the system, at the end of the day May did this showing just how much she was willing to gamble now we have to live with it so stop moaning!

Not sure why brexit was always going to be bad keeps spurting out. Why? It can/could be great. Also not sure why "I'm an immigrant blah blah blah, you don't want us blah blah. No one said close the gates, just stop the sheer amounts of immigrants coming in.
Everyone worrying about the Brexit deal now need to understand that whoever was in charge would have the same difficulty negotiating regardless of their majority backing. May only wanted the backing of her own party to help with any in fighting and back stabbing not really to help her negotiating, however the deals will still be done with the same people.

I have always voted tory, always, they're better for my income, for our economy, for the long term of our country in normal situations... however this time I voted for Corbyn simply because I believed he is the most moral person to be making decisions when negotiating big business. He might not be as experienced, he might be a fantasist in some areas, but if his morals and beliefs prevent back-end deals and handshakes happening when our country negotiates it's umbilical cord to the EU then I am proud of how I voted.

Just need to get him to the drivers seat from the back of the bus.
happy this morning as although a normal Cons voter I voted against the Cons stance on Brexit

there will not be another EU referendum, and we will still be leaving - but I'm much much more confident this morning that the Brexit will be no-where near as hard - will be a soft squashy Brexit

For me that should be the most persuasive argument against the current Conservative direction. Would the awkward bull please leave this expensive China shop.
Thanks Cameron for starting this whole fiasco in motion and then sodding off. No need for a brexit referendum, no need for him to step aside, no need for this election. A series of limp and pointless events. Dumb.

Show a bunch of politically disengaged people a list of flashy but completely impractical policies (go on students, all your education will be free, under no circumstances ever) and watch them make retarded decisions.
Not sure why brexit was always going to be bad keeps spurting out. Why? It can/could be great. Also not sure why "I'm an immigrant blah blah blah, you don't want us blah blah. No one said close the gates, just stop the sheer amounts of immigrants coming in.
Has nothing to do with immigration you didn't read that correctly I stated about the general feel of UK leaving EU in European countries (having family in other EU countries) and they were not going to make it easy for us????? Were they ever going to try and give UK a good deal? This was a direct response to other comments, that's why it's coming out!
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Everyone worrying about the Brexit deal now need to understand that whoever was in charge would have the same difficulty negotiating regardless of their majority backing. May only wanted the backing of her own party to help with any in fighting and back stabbing not really to help her negotiating, however the deals will still be done with the same people.

I have always voted tory, always, they're better for my income, for our economy, for the long term of our country in normal situations... however this time I voted for Corbyn simply because I believed he is the most moral person to be making decisions when negotiating big business. He might not be as experienced, he might be a fantasist in some areas, but if his morals and beliefs prevent back-end deals and handshakes happening when our country negotiates it's umbilical cord to the EU then I am proud of how I voted.

Just need to get him to the drivers seat from the back of the bus.

Jesus wept.
Thanks Cameron for starting this whole fiasco in motion and then sodding off. No need for a brexit referendum, no need for him to step aside, no need for this election. A series of limp and pointless events. Dumb.

Show a bunch of politically disengaged people a list of flashy but completely impractical policies (go on students, all your education will be free, under no circumstances ever) and watch them make retarded decisions.
Go on bankers we'll asset strip the state to slash tax at the top is pretty retarded.
I keep seeing Twitter posts saying Labour should form a minority Gov. and go ahead. The question is how? Do these people think before they type?

To be fair may as well give them a week to try. Torries will be busy backstabbing each other for next couple of weeks. :D
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