explain why Bodybuilding isn't gay

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why are the pwoerlifter blokes always fat though? any reason?

For most of the weight categories the lifters are lean and muscular but when they get to the higher weight categories they require more body mass to lift the large weights hence the size.

ketchup will ya it's "source"

my oppinion on bodybuilding:-

It's actually ppl that are sick and need to seek counceling, there's keeping fit and then there's getting addicted to the testosterone and adrenaline being generated, take any other chemical in the world and you get seen as ill as soon as it becomes a regular part of your life.... and a lot of them strive to go that bit further and look like they are ready to pop (that is severely ill) and i haven't even got to the ppl that go over board and actually take other drugs in order to help them get over board (to me thats like starting on low end drugs and then just searching for the heroin dealers).

onto the topic of how they look to other men and photographers:-

it is a form of perversion but alas i would not put it down to been gay, it's merely another form of exploitation of those that aren't so much rippled with muscle and have some form of inferiority complex and photographers are just cashing in on what they know can sell.
looking at the amount of posts this threads recieved i'd definately say it was a topic that a lot of ppl find interesting therefor my previous statement stands

it is a form of perversion but alas i would not put it down to been gay, it's merely another form of exploitation of those that aren't so much rippled with muscle and have some form of inferiority complex and photographers are just cashing in on what they know can sell.
Bodybuilding is building up your muscles as big as possible and showing them off to other men.

No, it's not.

Lol @ you!

That's like saying running is only a 100 meter sprint nothing else. There are different degrees of running. Much like there are different degrees of bodybuilding. All of which you clearly lack the intelligence and open mindedness needed to understand.
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THIS is what women find attractive today, look and learn.


O M G...............hairy legs.
Op should be locked in a room with FreeFaller imo. Poll please?:D

Please no I don't want to be bummed to death by Kwerk!!

Body building? FF you Poofter!
get powerlifting like all the real boys :p

I ain't not BBer fool! :D However I will still defend the sport. ;)

why are the powerlifter blokes always fat though? any reason?

I'm not fat, and I'm more towards a powerlifter than a BBer - certainly in what I'm trying to achieve (power and strength).
As the comparisons you are making are completely pointless, I'm going to take it as if you have no idea what you are talking about and will just ignore you in this thread.

erm I didn't make comparisons you did - comparing weekend footballers to pros as being the same as comparing people who carry out some for of fitness training train to bodybuilders is a silly comparison as I've pointed out....

bodybuilding != fitness training at a higher level

and that is the fallacy you fell into...
I'm not fat, and I'm more towards a powerlifter than a BBer - certainly in what I'm trying to achieve (power and strength).

the one in competitions always look like the fat blokes down the pub. (one reason why you should annoy the fatties you never know if they're secretly strongman contestants :p)
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