F.E.A.R: Only been playing a couple of hours and I'm already ****ing my pants

I tried the Demo and I found it pretty laggy.

DFI Ultra-D
AMD64 3700+ @ 2.6Ghz
2GB G.Skill ZX
74 GB Raptor

I was running it maxed with 4xaa & 8xaf but soft shadows were off. Is the demo a poor indication of the full product performance?
v2^ said:
I tried the demo but my struggled to handle it.

i have 2 gig of ram
3000+ amd 64 ( 1.8ghz )
and a Gforce fx 5500oc 256

Do you think its struggling because of the gfx card ?
Definately, it should run sweet with a better graphics card and your 2gig of ram.
MG42Maniac said:
I tried the Demo and I found it pretty laggy. Specs: DFI Ultra-D AMD64 3700+ @ 2.6Ghz 2GB G.Skill ZX X1900XT X-Fi 74 GB Raptor I was running it maxed with 4xaa & 8xaf but soft shadows were off. Is the demo a poor indication of the full product performance?
I'd say so because fear runs pretty smoothly on my spec (sli 6600GT's, 1gb ram) so your x1900XT and 2gb ram should run it very nicely. Also various patches have been released for it which may improve performance (not sure on this though as i stay away from FEAR :p).
My 7800@GTX runs it really well at 1280, 4xTR AA and SS=off...so I'd imagine you'd do well with the full game.

Have to say that SloMo DM is one of my favourite games/modes atm ;)
PinkFloyd said:
Runs dead smooth on my rig;
2gig ram
Thats at 1280x1024, medium-high settings, 4xAA, 8xAF

When you say med-high settings, what do you actually run in medium?

My housemate has a very similar rig to yourself (and mine's not that diff really) and he can run everything at high, SS on and same res/AA/AF as yourself. That's with a mild overclock on his gfx though.
Aekeron said:
When you say med-high settings, what do you actually run in medium?

My housemate has a very similar rig to yourself (and mine's not that diff really) and he can run everything at high, SS on and same res/AA/AF as yourself. That's with a mild overclock on his gfx though.
I could have bumped it up higher but it looked great as it did so never got around to it ;)
far too addicted playing the game.

Can't check what settings though, as have switched motherboards and it is currently dead...
Have just got around to ordering FEAR at last and have a couple of questions...

How will the game play on my system (in sig) - I tried the demo and it was quite choppy at 1024x768 2xAA (I usually prefer 4xAA). Is the full version better optimized than the demo?

And what is the latest patch - and does this help with performance at all?

I'm really looking forward to this game - I loved Doom3 scary atmos and I'm hoping for more of the same :)
MG42Maniac said:
I tried the Demo and I found it pretty laggy.

DFI Ultra-D
AMD64 3700+ @ 2.6Ghz
2GB G.Skill ZX
74 GB Raptor

I was running it maxed with 4xaa & 8xaf but soft shadows were off. Is the demo a poor indication of the full product performance?

Thats slightly better than my specs, but it runs fine on mine @ 1680x1050 with 4xAA and 16xAF, full settings. no soft shadows.

I found that changing the level of AF didn't affect the framerate at all.
Put it this way, on my specs, i run everything maximum on the cpu settings, and everything maximum on the GPU apart from turning 4xAA down to 2xAA and not turning on soft shadows. Runs nice and smooth. :D
So many games are sat in my top drawer uncompleted because they scare me too much.

Half-Life 2
Doom III
Quake 4

I just can't play them! I'll stick to WoW haha.
Tommy D said:
So many games are sat in my top drawer uncompleted because they scare me too much.

Half-Life 2
Doom III
Quake 4

I just can't play them! I'll stick to WoW haha.

F.E.A.R and DOOM3 I can understand cos there is a constant level of tension and feeling that something horrible is about to happen but Quake 4 and Half Life 2 dont have that. Don't feel bad about it though, I gave up on DOOM3 for the same reason. Did complete F.E.A.R. though although enjoyed Quake 4 more purely cos it was less scary.
Johanson said:
Thats slightly better than my specs, but it runs fine on mine @ 1680x1050 with 4xAA and 16xAF, full settings. no soft shadows.

I found that changing the level of AF didn't affect the framerate at all.

Thanks thats good to know, I put it down to the demo being rubbish :p I'm going to go into Town on Monday and pick up the full game hopefully for £10 atake it home patch her up and run it maxed with no lag unlike the demo.
PinkFloyd said:
lol HL2 isn't scary! :p :D

I dunno - those really fast zombies that run on all fours absolutely freak me out :eek: They're probably my fave game baddie along with the Arch-Vile from Doom2.
Curio said:
I dunno - those really fast zombies that run on all fours absolutely freak me out :eek: They're probably my fave game baddie along with the Arch-Vile from Doom2.
They make me jump. But there not scary. :o
SiD the Turtle said:
Firstly, there's the fact you have a shadow, which has led me to spray bullets at the wall. Then there's the creepy music and random guy wandering around and then exploding into dust, and then there's the little girl :s

I jumped on a ladder and as I did the little girl appeared at the top :eek:
I jumped off and at the bottom was the random guy. I unloaded an entire clip on this ghost screaming out loud... and then quit the game.

I don't have the courage to start it up again. :eek:

Lol i remember that ladder bit, i **** myself when the girl appeard at the top of the ladders.

Theres another bit later on (wont say anything incase it spoils it) where the game sneakly makes focus in something expection that to be the thing to give you a scare - insead something else makes you **** yer pants (i shouted at the monitor at this part)

Ive not played anymore as i reinstalled windows yesterday got fear reinstalled so just need top copy the profile/saved games back over from the other pc
Like some other people I found the marine missions on AvP FAR scarier than FEAR

the constant blip of the motion tracker, then the BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP, seeing an alien shoot past you, ARGGGGHHHHHHH

then Facehuggers, damn them things, they nearly gave me a heart attack when one hit my screen that I never saw coming

that game scared the pap outta me, playing as an alien was fantastic chomp chomp chomp :D mmmmm yummy marines
Squark said:
Like some other people I found the marine missions on AvP FAR scarier than FEAR

the constant blip of the motion tracker, then the BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP, seeing an alien shoot past you, ARGGGGHHHHHHH

then Facehuggers, damn them things, they nearly gave me a heart attack when one hit my screen that I never saw coming

that game scared the pap outta me, playing as an alien was fantastic chomp chomp chomp :D mmmmm yummy marines

Play alien first to get rid of the fear of being a marine lol its what i did :D
There is a reason why one of its maps is voted scariest gaem level ever, i can tell u that, after it u will never be scared again, sad in a way....
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