F1 2012 Car launch dates

Another nasty nose then.

Also saw this pic earlier, but I've no idea if it's real or not.

I think he means another as in another one for this year. The Merc logo on the nose certainly looks like its on another 'flat' nose tip, pointing towards a stepped nose. With Merc's high nose from last year, it wont be a surprise.

Another team to drop the blade style roll hoop too. Or did I read somewhere that the FIA have banned them on safety grounds?
Another team to drop the blade style roll hoop too. Or did I read somewhere that the FIA have banned them on safety grounds?

Mercedes only ran the blade for a single season in 2010. Last year the regs were changed to make it stronger, which reduced the efficiency of the blade, but Force India and Team Lotus *now Caterham* ran it. This year, so far no-one has the blade system.

Still have a couple of cars to see though. TBH, I'd expect the Marissua and HRT cars to be pretty generic F1 cars.
Going by Scarbs, it has been possible to make the top roll hoop lighter recently (i.e. lowering center of gravity), which could also be why they've changed back.
I posted 2 weeks agao and told you it would have a step, no one seemed to notice :p

/inside knowledge ;)
could have gueesed that :P

do the sidepods have a large overcut and a smaller undrut? sort of giving them a triangular shape? <<=(0_0)=>>


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It's interesting that the Merc teams seem to have shrouded themselves in mystery.
It could be all a lot of fuss over nothing and they slot in behind the top 3 teams like last year, HOWEVER, it could also be that they have an RBR killer on their hands.

The final test of the season should be interesting.
mercs main issue last season was the cars wheelbase and the overheating problems.

hopefully they learned enough about cooling last year that they dont have to stick gills all over the car and ruin the aera to stop the engine overheating......
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