If it brings in more manufacturers into F1 as Engine suppliers than it can only be A GOOD THING®
it wont this is not a cheap spec series, teams still need huge amounts of money and waste millions on aerodynamics to gain that 0.001seconds advantage. This is going to ailinate even more sponsors than the last 5-10 years. f1 should be a testbed, when it's a test bed companies will sponsor the research and get the PR they already do.
No development, means the only thing companies get is PR from sponsorship, they get not tangible products.
Now the only way to bring new teams into f1 when it is not used as a test bed, is to make it so cheap, it is run as a same spec series and every man and his dog can enter.
Or you look at the way the world is going and make the rules accordingly.
No restriction on engines or turbos/sc, but only aloud 75litres of fuel per race, use that fuel as best you can, every 2 years it's reduced by 10litres or something.
Kers again should be totally unrestricted.
should be provisons in the rules for fuel cell powered electric cars and other new emerging systems.
Then you will see money and expertise flocking back to F1. Just look at what companies like honda are doing in the real world. For those who say theres not enough money, there is. They can use there £200mill however they see fit, they already spend millions on aero, that can be shifted to engine design. New sponsors will come in as well. It's all about using your finances for the best outcome.