F1 2015

My god them engines sounds :( FIA why did you change them to 1.6 V6 turbos... bring back the V12, or even better the Honda RA168E Twin Turbo from the Mclaren MP4/4... My most favourite F1 car of all time, whilst your there, bring back Senna from the dead.

Beautiful and a MONSTER, just listen to that sound.

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My god them engines sounds :( FIA why did you change them to 1.6 V6 turbos... bring back the V12, or even better the Honda RA168E Twin Turbo from the Mclaren MP4/4... My most favourite F1 car of all time, whilst your there, bring back Senna from the dead.

Beautiful and a MONSTER, just listen to that sound.

I agree totally with you bring back the v10/v12 engine noise :D

Shame we cant dub the v12 engine noise on the game lol.

I've played it for a few days now and too sum up, I think it is brilliant, by far the best F1 game ever.

Yes it has a few stupid bugs but most people moaning are doing so because they have a controller not a wheel and don't understand current f1.

Yesterday quick race silverstone kept getting caught on the straight and hit by ai

today tried changing up earlier, worked a treat brilliant race beating lewis by 2 seconds after 13 laps and a pit stop.

yesterday i ran out of fuel on the last lap, today set it to lean and did a bit of lift and coast, didnt run out of fuel.
What settings are you lot using? Still looks rubbish on most tracks for me, the white lines across the tracks and the wire fences all sort of flicker until I get up close. Very off putting.

The reflections on the cars also seem to render about half the FPS of everything else, I'm maxed out with down sampling and v-synced not sure what else to try.

This is with motion blur turned off though as with it on, I feel a little sick tbh. It's over the top but starting to think I know why they put it on.

I can't force AA through CCC either, it never seems to work on any game tbh. Both Aa in game just seem to blur, I would like some proper MSAA but enabled in CC with "override application settings" does nothing
If my steering wheel wasn't in the loft I'd probably get this lol.

Dig it out then. Obligatory LOL.

I agree totally with you bring back the v10/v12 engine noise :D

Shame we cant dub the v12 engine noise on the game lol.

Codemasters ******* that up the year we got classic mode anyway. Most of the classics had a *******ised V8 sound sample. I queried it on the original forums and they said they didn't have the time to do it properly. :eek:
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What settings are you lot using? Still looks rubbish on most tracks for me, the white lines across the tracks and the wire fences all sort of flicker until I get up close. Very off putting.

The reflections on the cars also seem to render about half the FPS of everything else, I'm maxed out with down sampling and v-synced not sure what else to try.

This is with motion blur turned off though as with it on, I feel a little sick tbh. It's over the top but starting to think I know why they put it on.

I can't force AA through CCC either, it never seems to work on any game tbh. Both Aa in game just seem to blur, I would like some proper MSAA but enabled in CC with "override application settings" does nothing

Maybe its a driver issue are you using the latest AMD drivers ?
I don't know maybe AMD , I'm using a 970, all on ultra or highest, graphics look great to me, 1080p on 42 inches , I think some people just get a bee in their bonnet about things.

Just play the game.
Well I've folded and bought it. I wasn't going to seeing the price on steam but CJS had it up for £19 so why not. Currently downloading the latest ATI drivers to give this a blast.
FPS is good and like you say I'm at a steady 60 FPS, just the motion blur and AA options just make the game a blurry mess to the point it's off putting.

What difficulty is everyone playing on? I'm on joypad and just got on pole by 1.1 secs in Australia on Legend.

I'm no where near the best at this game so surprised others haven't started to say its to easy.

How does the Toe scale work in this game? It's says F1 cars have more Toe on the front than rear but the angle of Toe is always higher on the rears.
You've probably got all the assists on or something because you're using a pad, racing games are hopeless on joypads.

It's not a blurry mess for me at all.

The game is a challenge that makes you think.

Arcade racers just complain.
Only thing I have on is auto gears, everything else just slows you down. These games are built for joypad IMO as I read nothing but problems with wheels as always codies seem to focus on the console market where a very high percentage are using joypad.
Well not in my case, works great on the G27, only thing I did was turn ffb up to Max.

But yeah PS4 people seem to be moaning the most.
I'm I being thick or is there not a button pre set for KERS ? I can't find it in the menu for the x360 controller ??
I'm I being thick or is there not a button pre set for KERS ? I can't find it in the menu for the x360 controller ??

That's soooo 2013 lol.

F1 cars now use ers which cannot be used by the driver and is pre defined by the teams in which areas they think it will be best used
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