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LOL, codies will be codies.
Game isn't for me and I'm so sad about it
Had 2 hours of it last night and gave in . Although it detects my wheel it dosnt let me mess about with advanced wheel settings . Makes the steering so light and feels so horrid at speed . the AI is nuts and dosnt seem to detect me on the corners . The AA solutions make the game a blur , just having to deal with Smaa rather than both ... What is Taa? Or are codemasters dyslexic and can't spell txaa? a lot I don't like , and yet I'm pleasantly fond of the new engine despite crappy AA solutions . Looks very good in the rain and has so,e very details assets . But that's as far as it goes . Needs a lot of work
Err did you not even think to change force feed back settings, ?
The ai is aggressive but not overly, just be aware. In fact the AI are just right.
Game needs more than 2 hours to get the best out of it, its not a pick up and blast racing game, you have to work at it.
I love the way that in menu at any point if you press a button on the wheel it assumes you're using a controller to navigate and if you touch the keyboard it changes to that. A lot of people have been moaning about that because they don't realise.
Same with AI straight line speed and the rev indicator.
People moaning because the AI is too fast and the rev indicator stuck on full. Well duh that's because you're changing up too late.
Tbh I think this game has really separated the men from the boys.
I just hope they don't change the game play too much because of the complainers.
As for the career mode and safety car, not exactly the most important parts of the game
Yes there are some bugs, AI and blue flags AI pitting together, just fix those please.
Clearly the rest of the internet is wrong, there are no bugs no glitching no flashing graphics, my screen doesn't look like its been smeared in Vaseline unless you use the SMAA setting, we are all just making it up.
The Ai isn't a useless heap of junk, that treats the race tracks like you are not even there. Your team mate will just drive straight into the back of you even on teh dam straights..It also doesn't do qualy times in race trim, again I must have dreamt that.
Just like every other F1 game its a total master piece with a superb v1.0 build.
To top it all off, it plays 100 times better and gives a better experience on my 360 pad compared to my G25. Next gen simulator my arse.
Either you got a one of build no one else got, or you are working for codies PR team.
They should have the licence stripped from there studio and given to a developer that could do F1 proud. Even EA did a job 100 times better than this. With there version back in teh late 90's early 2000's
I think it's the moaners are expecting some sort of forza type experience, I don't know...
Well I'm sorry to tell you that I did a qually at Hungary tonight and it was brilliant, by the way I am no expert at all, but I have been playing f1 games since the original micropose gp .
I was quite looking forward to this coming out but apart from the more feisty AI there's plenty disappointing me based on youtube videos alone.
Lack of safety car when in previous games
Lack of car damage, losing the front wing appears difficult, losing the nose cone appears nigh impossible.
Each minor collision/tap/massive crash results in a compulsory driver hand stretch, anyone would think the driver was suffering eternal cramp!
I'm sorry what? Forza isn't a sim, so why would anyone expect something based on that?
Same here, I guess we expect different things from our racing games. Personally, I like my sims. If the team at iRacing where allowed to take their engine and slap it up with all the liveries and tracks laser scanned by use of the F1 license, I would be a very happy man. That would be the best F1 game ever released since f1gp and f1gp2.
To be fair, a 7950 doesn't really cut it these days.
Have you got all the settings on ultra or high.