F1 2015

FPS is good and like you say I'm at a steady 60 FPS, just the motion blur and AA options just make the game a blurry mess to the point it's off putting.

What difficulty is everyone playing on? I'm on joypad and just got on pole by 1.1 secs in Australia on Legend.

I'm no where near the best at this game so surprised others haven't started to say its to easy.

How does the Toe scale work in this game? It's says F1 cars have more Toe on the front than rear but the angle of Toe is always higher on the rears.

Go do a race and see if you can stay at their pace
Go do a race and see if you can stay at their pace

Was defiantly closer in the race, me and the mercedes sort of disappeared off into the distance but for some reason the mercs doubled stacked on each pit stop so 3rd place was no threat.

When it got to the backmarkers I was about 3 seconds clear and after the first set of backmarkers I was 15 seconds clear. So either got lucky or thats bugged as well.

Blue flags seemed almost no existence and backmarkers seem to try their hardest to crash into me
Was defiantly closer in the race, me and the mercedes sort of disappeared off into the distance but for some reason the mercs doubled stacked on each pit stop so 3rd place was no threat.

When it got to the backmarkers I was about 3 seconds clear and after the first set of backmarkers I was 15 seconds clear. So either got lucky or thats bugged as well.

Blue flags seemed almost no existence and backmarkers seem to try their hardest to crash into me

deffo some bits to fix
If you get very low FPS on some tracks (around 10fps) such as Abu Dhabi, and you are on AMD, then download latest 15.7 driver which fixes that.

I also had an issue with the game keep switching back to the desktop. Solved that by removing the custom Logitech Profiler profile I had for F1 2015 and instead set the global wheel settings only. (I'm using a G27 wheel). I also made sure my screensaver was set to only kick in after 240 minutes. One of these changes fixed the switching back to desktop and/or windows lock screen for me.

I'm running with 900 degree wheel rotation and using steering saturation at 65% in game to run with something close to 360 degree rotation in game, which seems 1:1 with the wheel movement in game.

I've had to lower environmental feedback to 10% with the other settings at 90% (wheel weight and force feedback iirc) otherwise the wheel clips like crazy when going over the grass, kerbs, gravel.

I think it's a great game, it runs at 60fps constant at 1200p on my aging 7950 with close to ultra settings, think I have just lowered vehicle reflections and shadows by one notch.

The driving feels really good, but these high torque F1 cars are a nightmare with traction control fully off. I'm getting better though. The only assist I have on at the moment is ABS, whilst I concentrate on getting used to manual gears (always used automatic in the past, but felt it was time for a new challenge).

The Singapore circuit in the rain really shows off the new engine. Previously I had always been disappointed with the graphics, especially on the Singapore track, in the previous F1 games.

I'm not personally missing the full career mode, as I tend to just do quick races and time trials. I can see though why some people are disappointed at the lack of features that had been included in previous F1 games.

Still I hear that the F1 dev team at Codies are only a very small team these days, so what they have achieved here is excellent and I only hope they build on this new better foundation for F1 2016.


The AI seem more aggressive than previous games in the series. I've been caught out a few times with a car coming down the inside with me having to back off to avoid a crash. I have also had a few cars spin me at corners from hitting my rear at turn in, they just won't back off like the other F1 games.

I'm having a good few fights for track position compared to the previous games which felt like the cars were just in my way rather than having to fight my way through. I'm enjoying it.
Small patch pushed to steam today

Fixed crash caused when switching between game running in a window to running in full screen
Fixed crash going to track, or when driving on track when in 800x600 resolution with Ultra high detail preset
Fixed crash when reducing the resolution of the game
Fix for game timer running too fast during frame spikes
Fix for camera speeding up at start of broadcast sequences
Fix for tyre regulations not correctly working in short Championship weekends

Full post

Hello everyone.

Since the launch of F1 2015, we have become aware that some people are currently experiencing issues while playing the game. Please be assured that we are treating these issues very seriously and are constantly monitoring the forums and our social media pages for your feedback, please keep that information coming.

To help support us with this effort we request you provide clear and detailed descriptions of the issues you are seeing, along with hardware details (for PC users), to aid us in replicating and fixing the issues as quickly as possible.

Alongside this, we have just pushed a new patch to the PC version of the game which contains a number of fixes. We’re aware that this will not fix everyone’s problems and we are continually working to resolves these issues as fast as we can.
Notes for the PC patch are as follows;
Fixed crash caused when switching between game running in a window to running in full screen
Fixed crash going to track, or when driving on track when in 800x600 resolution with Ultra high detail preset
Fixed crash when reducing the resolution of the game
Fix for game timer running too fast during frame spikes
Fix for camera speeding up at start of broadcast sequences
Fix for tyre regulations not correctly working in short Championship weekends
For players on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, we know that many of you are also experiencing issues when playing the game and are working on patches for both consoles to go out as soon as we can.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience and support. We will continue to work through the issues as a priority, and will update with more information as well as specific fixes as soon as they become available.
What's this blurry mess people keep mentioning? I tried downscaling from 4k and 1536p on a 1200p monitor and I'm not seeing this blur issue at all :S Someone post a screenshot or video... I'm on an AMD Fury X and 15.7 cat drivers and win 8.1
Small patch pushed to steam today

Full post

Hello everyone.

Since the launch of F1 2015, we have become aware that some people are currently experiencing issues while playing the game. Please be assured that we are treating these issues very seriously and are constantly monitoring the forums and our social media pages for your feedback, please keep that information coming.

To help support us with this effort we request you provide clear and detailed descriptions of the issues you are seeing, along with hardware details (for PC users), to aid us in replicating and fixing the issues as quickly as possible.

Alongside this, we have just pushed a new patch to the PC version of the game which contains a number of fixes. We’re aware that this will not fix everyone’s problems and we are continually working to resolves these issues as fast as we can.
Notes for the PC patch are as follows;
Fixed crash caused when switching between game running in a window to running in full screen
Fixed crash going to track, or when driving on track when in 800x600 resolution with Ultra high detail preset
Fixed crash when reducing the resolution of the game
Fix for game timer running too fast during frame spikes
Fix for camera speeding up at start of broadcast sequences
Fix for tyre regulations not correctly working in short Championship weekends
For players on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, we know that many of you are also experiencing issues when playing the game and are working on patches for both consoles to go out as soon as we can.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience and support. We will continue to work through the issues as a priority, and will update with more information as well as specific fixes as soon as they become available.

800x600 ultra who plays at that resolution lol:o

Good thing about steam is they can patch the game quick so glad i got this on pc and not console:)
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Just flicked through a few reviews on Steam, looks to be upsetting to most people there. What's the crack with no career mode? Is it just a case of selecting a track and doing a race weekend and time trials? Is there no whole season type caper?

Sounds like half a game to be honest.
You can do a full season (two, actually; you can do 2014 and 2015) but only as a named driver; there's no more creating yourself and working your way up through the teams.
Game isn't for me and I'm so sad about it

Had 2 hours of it last night and gave in . Although it detects my wheel it dosnt let me mess about with advanced wheel settings . Makes the steering so light and feels so horrid at speed . the AI is nuts and dosnt seem to detect me on the corners . The AA solutions make the game a blur , just having to deal with Smaa rather than both ... What is Taa? Or are codemasters dyslexic and can't spell txaa? a lot I don't like , and yet I'm pleasantly fond of the new engine despite crappy AA solutions . Looks very good in the rain and has so,e very details assets . But that's as far as it goes . Needs a lot of work
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