Fads when you were growing up...

Anyone remember doing 99ers on your knuckles or was that only a Glasgow stupid thing to do fad? You would scratch all the skin off your knuckle for it to scab up...Don't ask me why. I joined in to.
Odd, florescent coloured sock.
Farah trousers (upside down £ logo).
Drainpipe trousers with either white or multicoloured flecks in them.
moccasin deck shoes.
Moon dust (sweets).
Cherry laces.
Break dancing.
Primary school: marbles, sticker albums, shell-suits.
Secondary school: Casio watches, esp the ones that could confuse the teacher by remote-controlling the TV :p

I honestly don't remember too many fads growing up.
Most it has already been posted (great memories lads) but one I always remember that most people seem to have forgotten or they weren't around was something called Scoubidou (pronounced Scooby-Doos)

At one point nearly everyone was doing it and adding it to their key-rings in the mid to late 80's
Many have been mentioned, I remember the Pepe jeans keyring and Yo-Yos!

Garbage Pail Kids as well as the Panini Football sticker albums. The dealing and swapping that went on at break time. :p
Marbles went through a re-emerging fad at my school, as per Panini stickers, we used to trade etc.
Wearing your school tie with the thin section showing, rather than sporting a kipper tie.

A proper catapult was lethal. There was me with my spud gun in awe of a Black Widow Catapult, fired a marble or ball bearing miles. :eek:
90s kid/teen here.

- Pogs (already mentioned a few times here)
- Push Pops
- You've been Tango'd!
- Devil bangers
- 16-bit Sonic vs Mario era
- Doc Marten's
- No Fear
- Noel's House Party, Gladiators, Blind Date etc, all on Saturday night
- Raleigh bikes with the sound effects box
- Disney rennaisance: Aladdin, Lion King etc
- Mr Motivator
- Delia Smith
- Booze cruises
- Ibiza culture, so-called 'Ibiza' music
- 1996 in general, Oasis, Trainspotting, football mania, Brit Awards '96 with Jarvis vs Jacko, Eurovision '96 etc
remember a lot of fads ,my favorite though and it caught on https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303618894816?hash=item46b118abe0:g:DbEAAOSwwshfB0Y0 thing is i see skateboarders now and again and a lot sound like a bag of nails ,we had skf bearings kryptonics ,bones ,gulwing trucks (i have a fiberglass deck and cs pro trucks in my workshop) and they almost glided in silence ,that price isnt too far off im sure kryptos alone were £40 in the 70s
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