Push Pops, think they got banned at one point
Jumping Poppers
Fun Snaps
Popping Candy
You Know When You've Been Tangoed Ads.
Air pistols - in the late 60's early 70's.
wasn't going to post about this because it was so stupid!... but I remember in primary 4-5, so 8-10 yr old when the teacher was out of the classroom someone would stand against the wall and take a deep breath and hold it then someone else would push on their chest and they would faint... hopefully getting caught as they fell...mental, something eventually happened that resulted in the teachers finding out and I think it stopped then
Dad showing me how to make fire with a magnifying glass
Train set handed down from cousins
Finding things to blow up with the 12V train set transformer (iron wool, capacitors)
Magic Snakes
Cherry Coke camera
Rubik's Magic
my fads anyway
Magic Snakes
Ah yeah I thought maybe I should have explained that one, I bought them from a joke shop near my grans house, they were are a black pellet that you light outside and it creates looong black ash that looks like a snake also a lot of smoke. I could light them with my magnifying glass! good times. Eventually they were banned, not sure why. They might have another name outside of the UK.Are those the things that you held by the tail and they went side to side or am I thinking of something different?