Fake hate crime: Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers to attack him


Texts between Obama aide Tina Tchen and Kim Foxx, who dropped charges against Jussie Smollett, have leaked. An investigation into whether Foxx dropped charges against Smollett at the request of Tina Tchen is underway. Michelle Obama also knew Smollett very well




Didn’t she recuse herself from the case?
Didn’t she recuse herself from the case?

The BBC links seems to suggest she was still rather involved despite her recusing herself in February.... why on earth is she releasing a public statement otherwise?

The office of Cook County State's Attorney Kimberly Foxx said in a statement: "After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case."
Smollett did two days work working for Jess Jacksons Rainbow PUSH organisation as part of his deal …..

The same organisation that made the offer to pay for the tuition of another notorious race baiting hoaxer, Crystal Magnum, with the Duke Lacrosse gang rape hoax!

Where Jesse Jackson said it would not matter what the outcome of the trial, the tuition offer would still be good............

Well at least they had prior experience offering their resources when it came to dealing with race baiting hoaxers

Unbelievable... I think the fallout from this isn't over by a long shot...

I actually don't necessarily beleive that a non custodial / community based deal would have been inappropriate in the circumstances. But it should have included an admission of guilt as a basic necessity.
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The same organisation that made the offer to pay for the tuition of another notorious race baiting hoaxer, Crystal Magnum, with the Duke Lacrosse gang rape hoax!

Where Jesse Jackson said it would not matter what the outcome of the trial, the tuition offer would still be good............

Well she's behind bars now, though it would have perhaps been better to have already put her behind bars previously she was able to attempt to murder one partner and actually murder another:


In February 2010, she was arrested on charges of attempted murder of her live-in partner, Milton Walker.[6] She was eventually convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, injury to personal property and resisting a public officer.[7]

In November 2013, she was found guilty of second-degree murder after she stabbed boyfriend Reginald Daye, who died 10 days after.[8] She argued that she acted in self-defense, fearing that Daye would kill her.[9] She was sentenced to 14 to 18 years in prison.

Texts between Obama aide Tina Tchen and Kim Foxx, who dropped charges against Jussie Smollett, have leaked. An investigation into whether Foxx dropped charges against Smollett at the request of Tina Tchen is underway. Michelle Obama also knew Smollett very well




Oh look, it's the old '6 degrees of Kevin Bacon' approach to conspiracy theories. Always nice to see that one wheeled out again.
It's funny because it will have been considered a conspiracy theory at one point to suggest Smollett faked the attack

It might have been (do you have any examples of his actually happening?) but that's irrelevant to my post and does nothing to substantiate tang0's.

If tang0 wants to be taken seriously he needs to bring facts, not ********.
I blame Obama... he's a Netflix producer now so obviously the conspiracy was:

Netflix asked its new hire Obama (or indeed the Obamas) to pull some stings, Obama calls up former employee, former employee calls up the DA, the DA pulls some strains and officially recuses herself, the DA's office decides to do a deal, keeps the 10k, then the DA announces that deal... nothing to see her cos she recused herself.... then Netflix gets their actor back on the show and has a load of publicity for free.
Oh look, it's the old '6 degrees of Kevin Bacon' approach to conspiracy theories. Always nice to see that one wheeled out again.

How’s that Trump Russia conspiracy going that you were so sure was true? Constantly quoting fake news sources to ridicule me and others with, saying how we were ‘proven false’, conspiracy therorists and generally told us were were idiots, and you still have the nerve to keep calling us the conspiracists

Edit: Just reminding myself how wrong you’ve been last 2 years by going through your post history, hilarious how you believed everything you read :D:D:D
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All charges dropped against Jussie Smollet. Chicago Police department ****** about it - they found out the same time everybody else did and it was not their choice to do so. No reason given for the dropping of the charges.

I wonder how this could happen.
It's getting murkier and murkier. The original deal was that it was technically called a plea and that forfeiting the $10k bond plus the community service added to punishment already served. But because Smollet still publically denied everything the SA office renamed it to case dropped.

The Chicago police are now furious as they had a vast amount of evidence which went wider than Smollet which they wanted to produce in court. The state attorney's decision has effectively gagged it meaning it now cannot be released.
How’s that Trump Russia conspiracy going that you were so sure was true? Constantly quoting fake news sources to ridicule me and others with, saying how we were ‘proven false’, conspiracy therorists and generally told us were were idiots, and you still have the nerve to keep calling us the conspiracists

Edit: Just reminding myself how wrong you’ve been last 2 years by going through your post history, hilarious how you believed everything you read :D:D:D

Ladies and gentlemen I give you tang0.......

You guys seriously think Trump would put out something as serious as this without being able to back it up? The spying has allegedly been going on since June of last year, and yet they still haven't been able to provide any evidence of any wrong doing

Every tweet he puts out is calculated, he's desensitizing everyone before he brings the hammer down on these traitors

It's not like wire tapping is anything new. Barry has been spying on countries for years


I know that was the point you were making, but it's a silly argument. Saying Trump is an idiot is a claim, something that cannot be verified. Releasing documents can either be verified using cryptographic keys or by the source. Every release from Wikileaks has been verified by either one of these

Makes me laugh when people say this, they call Trump a failed billionaire - oxymoron much?

If it takes an idiot to become a Billionaire then I'm sure aint one

If you have become reliant on one website telling you what's true in the world and what isn't without having the need to think for yourself, then it is you that need some critical thinking skills not me

I've been right about everything I've said during the time I've spent in this forum so far.. I don't plan on giving up my 100% accuracy record!

You guys have got a pretty bad record so far, wrong about the polls, wrong about the winner - you guys were so sure of yourselves too; citing your so called reliable sources such as CNN, Politico, HuffPost, Politifact as the god given truth.. didn't work out too good for you did it.

You should be giving me credit

**These sorts of nonsense conspiracy theories and language such as "comet ping pong" is not worthy of SC - EVH **

Well I have more reason to believe Assange than I do you guys, since he has a 10 year unbroken track record for 100% accuracy.

You guys are now showing your double standard and implying there's a conspiracy going on that Assange is paid for by the Russians/Trump, just because they so happened to put out dirt on one side.

And you're ridiculing me for pizzagate.. haha

Losing a President who has had more scandals than you can shake a stick at, and a President who has bombed 7 nations and has been at war for every single day he was in office.

Yet Trump who is very anti-war is the dangerous one :rolleyes:

He was bragging about how attractive his daughter was in an uncouth way, should have worded it better, but he said he would date her if she wasn't his daughter. Don't make it something that it isn't

Stop normalising paedophilia, people thought you were mad if you thought Jimmy Saville was weird, yet we have mountains of dodgy evidence and all of a sudden we're conspiracy nuts

You sound like you can't even contemplate the thought of there being a possible pedo ring in high level governemt. Because it certainly hasn't happend in British government, Jimmy Saville and all throughout the world, middle east in particular :rolleyes:

You've seriously not even seen 2% of it

It hasn't been proven yet, but there's a mountain of links and dodgy stuff going on. If you haven't been following it then all you're going on is some news article saying that it's fake news. I could pull a load of links on here, but this isn't what we're supposed to be talking about

Not saying it's real, but something is there.

RE Pizzagate. No one knows whether or not it's a pedo ring, child trafficking or what. But all you got to do is look at the many code words in the leaked Podesta, DNC and DynCorp emails, and look at James Alefantis' Instagram archive to see something isn't right. And that's just the tip of the iceberg


Have you not seen the threads on reddit with 50k+ upvotes all frothing at the mouths thinking that this is 100% real??? They are absolutely convinced this was made by a retird MI6 agent.

I made a comment on there and it's got something like -50 points

All the news channels are reporting on this, absolutely mental

  • We now know he inflated his value by as much as 70%. He said he was worth a couple/few billion a decade or so ago, when he was in fact worth ~$750m.
  • How's that wiretapping evidence coming along?
  • 100 accuracy (for you).....have you listened to yourself? You literally got censured for posting CT crap.
  • 100% accuracte (WikiLeaks) bahahahahahahahahahaha.
So now that we have established your metric of believing something is how many likes it gets on Reddit, you believed in Pizzagate, you seem to think of yourself very highly (100% to be exact) - how seriously are we meant to take you?
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I don’t understand, did he do it or not? I was trying to follow it but it all seems to have disappeared into a spaghetti mess?
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