Fake hate crime: Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers to attack him

The trouble with this is...how many criminals are now going to have the right to appeal because they were imprisoned on her dodgy watch?

Well hopefully any implications of impropriety are confined to inappropriately letting people off rather than falsely convicting them. But if the leaked email is real where they're urgently searching internally for other examples of people being treated how Smollet was, seems like he got very exclusive treatment. Kimm Foxx was likely (imo) trying to do a favour for a possible presidential candidate (Kamala Harris) or the Obamas. I suspect she's regretting that now.
Also, the Chicago Police Department is staging a protest. The Chicago police probably have a pretty good idea of the chaos that would have been unleashed if Smollet had pulled off the hoax successfully.

You can tell they're ****** because they released the file they had on the investigation to a FOIA request


It's basically a big F you to whoever is trying to make it go away, I do wonder though how a D list celebrity has enough power to cause all this trouble
You can tell they're ****** because they released the file they had on the investigation to a FOIA request



It's basically a big F you to whoever is trying to make it go away, I do wonder though how a D list celebrity has enough power to cause all this trouble

He may be D-list in terms of talent (full disclosure: the only acting of his I've seen was the interview where he claimed to be innocent), but he's not some unknown. He's been acting for a couple of decades and gets paid quite a lot, apparently. He and his family are friends of the Obamas and he's often pictured with Kamala Harris who could be the next Democrat presidential candidate. These aren't D-list circles. That said, it's not a bad question. I say we have a few options:
(1) His close political ties are actual friendships / inside circle and these people are willing to go to bat for him. (Possible).
(2) The people interfering simply thought it was the usual "I'll make a phone call" low-level string-pulling and didn't expect it to hit national press. (More probable, imo).
(3) There's closer involvement / he's threatened to drag in other people and this has caused people to interfere more visibly than they otherwise would have. (No evidence, but a hypothetical possibility).

As regards the third one it's not something I've put about because there's circumstantial evidence for it at best. But if we consider the Obamas, Kamala Harris et al. to not be idiots (which they are not) and to have realised this could blow up, then we have to presume either the Smollets are close enough friends that they're willing to act selflessly or alternately that there's some cost to them not doing so. The former we have some evidence for. The latter - well certainly it blows back on them that someone highly visible in their circles and a major and vituperative critic of Trump and the Republicans has been caught trying to pull a huge false flag to frame their opponents. Hence statements such as saying he did it for the money when even a casual glance at his political activism shows overwhelming political motivation for the hoax. But there's also Kamala Harris's anti-lynching bill that she was trying to get passed. I know I've brought this up a couple of times, but we're in the first stages of Democrat presidential hopefuls trying to build up their public profiles and manoeuvre for the primaries. 2020 is not that far away, politically speaking. Harris has been making a big meal out of her anti-lynching bill. It's pure political theatre. Lynching someone is already illegal. The bill has almost no real effect. But it ties into narratives of 'reparations' to African Americans, symbolic apologies to African Americans, and so forth. It's possible (in fact probable given you'd have to be dumb as **** for this) that Smollet took it on his own initiative to try and stage an incident that was perfectly timed for Harris's bill. I mean how many REAL lynchings are there in the USA these days? But it's also possible, given that they are in communication with each other and carry out political activism together, that Jussie has some sort of communication from someone that could be interpreted as knowing what he was going to do. If that's the case, you'd have reason for such parties to stick their neck out a little on his behalf and interfere like this. Jussie would have to be a total **** to rat out his political allies like this. But when he got done for DUI years ago, he tried to pin it on his own brother so we can presume he's more than capable.

Currently I'm not touting number three - it's not outlandish but it's only hypothetical. But... you ask how he has power enough to cause all this trouble. Well if there were the possibility he could drag his high-level friends down into this during Primaries season, you'd have an answer for that.
I think Jussy did this to help out Kamala Harris, who is I think his cousin(or at least a relative), to get her anti lynching bill passed - there is a reason he still had the rope noose around his neck over 30 minutes after the 'attack'.

H4rm0ny is right in most they state. Jussy is a D-list actor but he is connected closely to Obama and the democratic party, the democrats have turned into what I would call extreme left-wing idiologs. They want guns taken off of all Americans, and if it takes some fake hate crimes to get there then I'm sure they think that it's a for a worthy cause; And if they could drag some Trump hatred into it all the better, this is what I think may be their undoing in a few ways.. First, it raised the profile of the Attack to a national and International level. Second, He mentions Trump/MAGA, which has now drawn Trumps attention to the coverup - I bet they are crapping themselves that the FBI has been called in to look at it.

People need to go to jail over this, the list has now got a lot longer..
I think Jussy did this to help out Kamala Harris, who is I think his cousin(or at least a relative), to get her anti lynching bill passed - there is a reason he still had the rope noose around his neck over 30 minutes after the 'attack'.

H4rm0ny is right in most they state. Jussy is a D-list actor but he is connected closely to Obama and the democratic party, the democrats have turned into what I would call extreme left-wing idiologs. They want guns taken off of all Americans, and if it takes some fake hate crimes to get there then I'm sure they think that it's a for a worthy cause; And if they could drag some Trump hatred into it all the better, this is what I think may be their undoing in a few ways.. First, it raised the profile of the Attack to a national and International level. Second, He mentions Trump/MAGA, which has now drawn Trumps attention to the coverup - I bet they are crapping themselves that the FBI has been called in to look at it.

People need to go to jail over this, the list has now got a lot longer..

They’re more right wing than even our Tory party, ridiculous sentiment.
And if people bring up the likes of AOC she’s apart of a minority among corporate dems who happily destroy their country along with the republicans.
They’re more right wing than even our Tory party, ridiculous sentiment.

As Conservatism is to the US Right Wing, Progressivism is to the US Left Wing. Neither is intrinsically linked but the Left is heavily Progressive in the USA. So people tend to treat the two as synonyms. In fact, I think I could credibly argue that whilst the Conservatism-Right Wing marriage in the USA is actually diminishing, the amalgamation of Progressive and Left Wing in the USA is overwhelming.

You can add the Globalist axis for a more significant dividing line within both groups. The American Right is quite divided along a globalist axis with Trump's support base being largely nationalist but the neocon and zionist factions of the Right are a kind of globalist. On the Left, I'd say it's predominantly globalist.
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I think Jussy did this to help out Kamala Harris, who is I think his cousin(or at least a relative)

He's a relative, but not her cousin. That's a popular falsehood that got circulated for some reason. He's a second or third cousin or somesuch but nothing closer.
Oh look two people out of, what? 300 congressional and senatorial positions?

No, I'm completely serious that Bernie Sanders and AOC are right wingers. Their useless words and failed votes do nothing to offset the fact that they're members of a right-wing party.

It's slightly disturbing that you seem to think that they aren't right wing. Do you also think Elizabeth Warren isn't firmly right wing?
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What a mess.

No one involved in the investigation has expressed any doubt that he was guilty, but no charges. I feel that more than that $10,000 exchanged hands.

Given the ridiculous sentences you often read about in the US there will be a great many people very angry about this.

I think it will go away soon, just not as soon as the people who are trying to make it go away would like. I also think that the bribe forfeited bond is just a flimsy screening. $10K is pocket change to the people and organisations involved in the attemped cover-up. It's not plausible as the reason. It's only very superficially plausible as the public explanation for brushing the case under the carpet. This is a politically motivated (and badly implemented) hoax, a false flag operation, and the attempted cover-up is also politically motivated. None of it is even subtly political - he made it very overtly political from the start and politicians gleefully ran with it and made it even more overtly political. I wouldn't be particularly surprised if some of them had some involvement in planning the whole thing and he was just the person they chose to carry out the false flag operation. Maybe that's why they've stuck their necks out to get it brushed under the carpet - they fear their own prior involvement being exposed.

Further statement from the State Bar association on the handling of the Jussie Smollet case. TL;DR: This stinks to high heaven.

(clickable link).

Damn, that is strong language for a public statement from a formal legal body. They're not pulling their punches with that.

Maybe I was wrong and it won't go away soon.
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Wonder if he will pay the $130,000 he was ordered to cover police time?

Well he has no choice ;)
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Further statement from the State Bar association on the handling of the Jussie Smollet case. TL;DR: This stinks to high heaven.

(clickable link).

wow, thats a pretty strong statement.
I can't see this being over.
I don't much about US law but can the federal court overturn this?
wow, thats a pretty strong statement.
I can't see this being over.
I don't much about US law but can the federal court overturn this?

I don't believe they can overturn it. They could order a federal investigation into the Chicago Attorney General's office, I think. But there are still questions about related crimes he may have committed such as the "white powder" hate mail he received that they could pursue if they wished. Death threats / terrorism threats that go through the US mail are federal crimes, not state crimes. (Even hoax ones). Unfortunately that's also harder to prove, though you never know. I think all this might yet just be early days!

Absolutely false.

The more you post the more you prove you are just a shill.. He isn't closely connected to Obama he is VERY closely connected to Obama! Don't forget there is video of a friend of Obama, when he was a senator, where the friend states he smoked crack with Obama and then they proceeded to have oral sex, both men by the way - this was made under oath in a court: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V6SokexKqQ . So with that in mind I would say that Obama is Bi, at best, or just gay, the same as Jussy..


Obama's ex chief of staff has admitted that she interfered with the case here: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45274/michelle-obamas-ex-chief-staff-admits-she-did-try-james-barrett
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