Fallout 3 mods


Enjoy mate. **** is a great overhaul when you get it right Make sure you set up all your options in the menu.

Any idea why it didn't work before?

I would still strongly recommend downloading CASM though. It manages savegames very well.

I have tweakedthe INI a bit more and got it looking much better now. I will post a few more screenies soon:)
I'm not sure why it didn't work before. It might be because last time I did archive invalidation before the mods, and this time I did it after the mods.

I just installed CASM, and pressed f8 to load last save, but my game crashed again :(
BTW, never quicksave and absolutely never ever quickload!

Also when using CASM make sure you disable the autosave options in the main menu.

Most people recommend exiting to the main menu whenever you want to load a savegame
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I'm definetely going to get that streetlight mod, cant see a damn thing at night atm lol. I always end up hoarding too much in these games... walking around at night overloaded is not recommended :p
What the **** is that deathclaw thing!
Thanks for giving the 'sky' file thing a try mate, it didn't work, but meh, I deleted the extra files I had that weren't in yours and I'm back to the original moon I think, ah well, better than one with a big box around it :D

I still have the new sky though. I'm contemplating downloading FOOK2 as I didn't, now I have a bunch of separate mods which I think may cause a lot of confusion.

Better get down to playing though!
Here is a lesson!

I just did the mission "Wsteland survival guide"(it is a vanilla mission) I have never done it before. You get it early on and it has you going all over the wasteland. You can just lie and say that you went to the places it tells you to get some easy exp, but i decided i would actually go to the place i was meant to (Arlington Library) and do all of the secondary objectives for a change.

For doing this, instead of getting the exp and the skill book as a reward(that you get if you lie), i got the exp, a skill book and 7000 bottlecaps!!:D
What the **** is that deathclaw thing!

A very tough opponent at early levels. You generally don't see them until later in the game, but if you have MMM it makes them appear at any level (unless you change it in the options)

I prefer FOOK2 to FWE because of the mods which it includes, plus the great range of items that it adds/changes. It is not compatible with FWE(officially).

Most people prefer FWE though. IMO FOOK2 plus Primary needs is pretty much FWE anyway, but with more included
Here is a lesson!

I just did the mission "Wsteland survival guide"(it is a vanilla mission) I have never done it before. You get it early on and it has you going all over the wasteland. You can just lie and say that you went to the places it tells you to get some easy exp, but i decided i would actually go to the place i was meant to (Arlington Library) and do all of the secondary objectives for a change.

For doing this, instead of getting the exp and the skill book as a reward(that you get if you lie), i got the exp, a skill book and 7000 bottlecaps!!:D

Thats the quest that has me going to the supa dupa mart. Need to go back there as I'm kinda getting the combat sussed a bit more, and have been clearing out parts of the springvale school.
What are the best mods for newcomers that want the vanilla game experience but with improved graphics/sounds and the latest bug fixes?

NMC texture pack
Enhanced Weather
Dynamic Weather

None of these mods change the gameplay in any way, but they greatly improve the look of the game:)
Add a few INI tweaks and ut looks amazing

If you are not using an overhaul then Unofficial patch is probably a good idea to fix a few bugs.

Best to start with these if you want the vanila experience and then build it up as you want to change it

Links to all of those mods on first page
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That wasteland survival guide was one of my first missions and it does indeed take you all over the place against some fierce stuff!

Why do you say never quick save or load? It's the only way I've ever played and has never caused me any problems, well not in the 20 hours ive played anyway!
NMC texture pack
Enhanced Weather
Dynamic Weather

None of these mods change the gameplay in any way, but they greatly improve the look of the game:)
Add a few INI tweaks and ut looks amazing

If you are not using an overhaul then Unofficial patch is probably a good idea to fix a few bugs.

Best to start with these if you want the vanila experience and then build it up as you want to change it

Links to all of those mods on first page

Thanks a lot mate, will start playing with them tomorrow :)
Why do you say never quick save or load? It's the only way I've ever played and has never caused me any problems, well not in the 20 hours ive played anyway!

Quick saving is not that bad, but quickloading is just asking for trouble really. Eveeryones FO3 is different but it causes instability for lots of people and instant crashes for me
I guess no ones copy is perfect, still, I'll swap you my random pauses!

I'm wondering if the game doesn't like being run full detail at 2048x, perhaps it just isn't optimised for that rez. Run all other titles at full whack with no performance issues, for example Shift 2 and Borderlands (my most modern titles) run full aa and af with no real slowdown.

Anyway I can live with it, turning vsync off has reduced them a bit. I'm now down to a random freeze or two every few minutes and they typically only last a second or so.

I'm living with it because Fallout was my favourite childhood game and the nostalgia is strong in this one. :D
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