Ended up doing that with a level 38 player last night that kept taking pot shots while I was trying to access a terminal to complete a quest, trying to provoke me into shooting back so it's a legal kill, made him follow me around in circles for a good 10mins hoping he'd get bored, ended up having to exit to main menu and coming back in.
Once my characters ranked up it won't bother me, not much of a fair fight though with a level 5 shotgun and leather armour versus a guy in power armour with a minigun
Generally speaking most players just potter around doing their own thing, whenever I've come across players being attacked by NPCs I've helped out and then gone on my merry way, have had it twice now where after the enemies have been killed the players have then turned on me to try nab my resources which is rather @%$*
Problem is, as the game is a lot more of a grind to those used to the previous fallouts in non survival mode, it is rather off putting when you also have to contend with the odd higher levelled players killing you and nabbing all your scrap.
Hopefully it won't discourage too many people from sticking with it and Bethesda add some more content and tweak a few more things, it has the potential to be a really good game.