Fallout TV series being developed by Amazon

Interracial relationships are uncommon and depending on the races involved can be quite rare (almost impossible). The majority of people date within their own race.

Interracial relationships in film and TV are just a way of checking boxes to say you include as many different races as possible within the limited roster of the main cast. Proper representation would involve a mix of black couples or middle eastern couples or east asian couples etc.. Which doesn't seem to be the case in the main cast for a number of these shows.

Sorry for taking this thread off on a tangent.

I suppose it depends where in the world or country you are.

I’m in an interracial relationship and plenty of my friends and family are also the same from all different backgrounds and races. Though maybe it’s just usual in Bristol because I do remember us walking through Birmingham 6 or 7 years ago and people were staring at us as if it was unusual.

Proper representation is having everything and not just same race or heterosexual relationships. So while people like you and Neil may think it’s some fairy tell thing, I don’t see the issue with seeing it on TV as it reflects life as I see it

Literally a pathetic argument to have about a show. A show set in a nuclear wasteland future no less.
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A white man and a black woman? In this day and age?
/clutches pearls
Christ some people need to take a chill pill

I have no issue with it at all out and about, doesn't bother me at all such as in real life. You can go out with, and marry whoever you want (Colour,religion,sexual preference) :cool: :). When it comes to TV however Chuk_Chuk said it perfectly

I just have an issue with it if it's for ticking boxes!

Anyway, I'll say no more.
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Some people just can't see beyond the colour of someones skin. It's what's inside that counts.

Anyway. I've not seen anything on Amazon that's made me see it through to the end of the series. Absolute rubbish mostly and a vast waste of money usually (That Lord of the Rings thing was just so bad)

This though was pretty well done. The homage to the game was evident throughout and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yeah you could pick it to bits for continuity in certain areas and the lack of "creatures". I mean who didn't want to see them come against a Super Mutant in that Medical building rather than them bizarrely waking up in vault 4 ? Some budget restraint going on there maybe.

Anyway. Looking forward to season 2 already and yes I will be loading up Fallout 4 again on the 25th April to see what they've done with it.
Some people just can't see beyond the colour of someones skin. It's what's inside that counts.

Again not what I said...

I think it's brilliant people loving whoever they want. But when it's for ticking boxes to make a point. I disagree

Adverts are the WORST
Ohhh that ending. Can't wait for season 2!

I enjoyed it throughout. Maybe a bit too over the top in places as I would have preferred it to remain mostly serious, but I guess it captures the style of the games pretty well. Solid 9/10 for me.

The he/she trans person in the barracks
The part with the female lead saying " We can be two mums "
The Interracial relationship between the cowboy and the other lady, and now again building up an Interracial relationship between the brotherhood guy and her

Interracial relationships are uncommon and depending on the races involved can be quite rare (almost impossible). The majority of people date within their own race.

Interracial relationships in film and TV are just a way of checking boxes to say you include as many different races as possible within the limited roster of the main cast. Proper representation would involve a mix of black couples or middle eastern couples or east asian couples etc.. Which doesn't seem to be the case in the main cast for a number of these shows.

Sorry for taking this thread off on a tangent.

Ie This ^ See it a LOT on Tv/Facebook.. Box ticking

Two strong female leads, with another building up to be the blond woman ( Although said female lead is bloody HOT! )
Brotherhood guy being mistreated at the barracks by you guessed it other white guys
Most of the white guys are thick as hell, weak or generally mistreat everyone else

It's a good show now from episode 4, but this all stood out


There is box ticking in every single production now. They have to or it doesn't get made.

Maybe there is, but honestly in the case of Fallout it's so minor and inconsequential, that if certain people are focused on it, then they are clearly a much bigger problem.

Maybe there is, but honestly in the case of Fallout it's so minor and inconsequential, that if certain people are focused on it, then they are clearly a much bigger problem.
Honestly, it doesn't bother me too much as long as it isn't ridiculous and is done subtly.

But some productions just take it to the nth degree :p
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We very much enjoyed the first episode, not got any further, perhaps me more so as my wife hasn't played any of the Fallout games.
Interesting to see why played the part of the Ghoul, I did think that he had quite a small part at the beginning.!

Goodness knows the production costs of these sort of shows, then again wondered that when watching "The last of us".
I'm on e3 now and I'm not sure why I'm not really feeling it. I'd give it 6/10 so far.

I think the silly side doesn't work for me attached to fallout.

Its annoying as its just slightly too comedic to me.

I don't really feel excited for the next episode and I'm not super engaged by the story. But it's also not funny enough to be funny.
I get this a lot with "comedy" aspects. More often than not I don't like it.

For me Guardians of the galaxy works well and I love it, but the later thor films did not as an example. One piece was great too.

But This, and I'm not totally sure why, doesn't work for me. I just don't feel engaged.
I think its trying to straddle a serious/silly tone and it doesn't work for me.

Also. Not super keen on the main characters. Any of them really.
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I suppose it depends where in the world or country you are.

I’m in an interracial relationship and plenty of my friends and family are also the same from all different backgrounds and races. Though maybe it’s just usual in Bristol because I do remember us walking through Birmingham 6 or 7 years ago and people were staring at us as if it was unusual.
I know people in interacial relationships one of them being my closest friends. Is this supposed to be a ******* contest or something; since it has nothing to do with what I wrote?

Proper representation is having everything
Thank you for repeating what I said. Good to know you agree with me.

So while people like you and Neil may think it’s some fairy tell thing,
I don't speak for Neil, I speak for myself. What a stupid rebuttal. Try picking up a dictionary and looking up what the word "uncommon" means before writing this **** down. Your post is a classic example of someone being more concerned with creating strawmans for their cheap, ****** jabs.
Yeah, my wife was the complete opposite. Never played a game but loved TLoU, she couldn't even get through the first episode of this :(

I liked TLoU more than this.
Over played fallout loads and never played TLoU.

I wish fallout tv was more like TLoU really.
Your post is a classic example of someone being more concerned with creating strawmans for their cheap, ****** jabs.

I didn't take a cheap jab at anyone or as any competition. Maybe I shouldn't have grouped you in with Neil and seeing as you've gotten all in your feelings about it and can't write a post without swearing I'll apologise to stop you bursting a vein.

Yes, I'll concede they may be uncommon in the aspect that they're not as common as people having relationships within their own race. You win, Chuck. You clearly know the dictionary better than I do. Though to be annoyed that they've shown an interracial relationship and use that as some sort of measuring stick to give negative points to a show set in apocalyptic waste land, which is already set in an alternative time line, is a petty complaint.

Anyway.. Watched Episode 4 last night. Can't think of a better person than Matt Berry to have played the role of Codsworth. Such a great voice
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I'm at episode 2 and it's just not hooking me in :o :o

The black guy is completely unlikeable, doesn't have any acting skills and I'm sure will fall in love with the Fallout girl at some point :rolleyes:... Because Diversity YEH!
The doctor had his leg drilled into, and yet he was hardly screaming in pain or at least fainting..
The female lead is as hot as hell, but I'm surprised she even made it out the vault
Not sure if the show is trying to be serious or a poor quality drama.. I mean seriously, it's Doctor Who at times
The mutant creature at the start, I've seen better cosplay outfits!
The only decent actor so far is the cowboy mutant, but how long will that last?

I was a massive fan of the original PC versions of Fallout, but I think people are just rating it 10/10 BEST EVER is just because it's based around Fallout

Same for me actually. I really don't like either him/his character. Not sure which it is. Is he playing the role well, but I don't like the roll. Or is it him. Its a bit too ridiculous for me.

I'm not keen on her either. A little bit more. But not much more. Not keen on the ghoul either. Again. It's not like I hate them, any of them, they just seem so "dull".

Let's make this clear. It's not any of the reasons "he's black", "strong female lead". I have absolutely no issue with that and never have. It's sad I feel I need to put this down. But it's such a thing now. You feel you need to.
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