I have a lot to catch up on with this post but i gather some are having issues with stuttering and / or textures?
Only using 9GB of a 10GB GPU doesn't mean you have enough VRam, that's not how it works, the symptoms i'm seeing here are exactly the sort of things i would expect to see from a lack of VRam.
If all GPU's had enough VRam there would be no such thing as "HD Texture Packs" games would just have those textures backed in, the reason this game has them is because one of the two vendors is, and not for the first time too stingy with VRam, the first 8GB card launched 6 or 7 years ago, 8 and 10GB are not enough for the level of performance of the 3070 and 3080.
Sure, blame AMD but them, if it was them, adding high resolution textures to this game is not their problem, their GPU's can run it because they have enough VRam, if you're on an Nvidia GPU don't use the texture packs and put the blame for all this squarely where it belongs, at Nvidia, don't defend them in this....