Yes, of course we count reactions. All of that is part and parcel about what makes the NPCs closer to intelligent/aware or at least capable of fooling the player into believing they are.
Sure, why not? I just don't expect it because I understand how limited game development really is so I try to stay reasonable when evaluating. It will be here for when we enter the '30s though.
'None' is your interpretation of it, but when I am out through the world in FC6 there's the roving guerrillas as well as the army dudes all around, and quite often you'll find them engage each other (as well as wild animals). But, like I said, go drive in CP2077 and then FC6 and tell me you see no better reactions from the FC6 cars than CP. See vid below around 6+ min mark. If you played these games then you'll know, in FC6 you get close to cars they swerve, they try to avoid you, they don't just get stuck in traffic if there's a car in front of them etc That's what makes them high IQ, because comparatively they have many more behaviour-trees than CP's NPCs which have basically stay in the car, get out of the car and run, and they might bypass a stationary object IF enough space is everywhere and after a good while.
Completely different genres? LOL. They're both open world first person shooters, where you can also drive, with trivial amounts of RPG elements. There's no difference in genre, maybe theme, but absolutely not genre.
Nah, it's BS, because I wasn't even thinking of Nomad areas, I'm talking throughout Night City proper, residential areas, industrial areas (all the beginning maelstrom areas north, where you have docks and whatnot), etc. The population is very low, because outside of the NPC crowd-globs they specifically spawn in centre areas, the place is far from what a busy city should be.
Just watch here form 1:00 until about 1:40ish and pay attention to the sidewalks. We're still talking mid-town but where's the people? And this is situation is present all throughout the game, again, outside of the very specific areas where CDPR purposely has the crowd-globs.
Not like it matters because again, like I've said, they're so basic they detract more than they add so I put it on medium anyway for those mid-town sections. They don't have routines, they don't real jobs (like you might see them simulate in WD:L for example, or the aforementioned KC: D) they just stand around like props, or they're glob-units who loops in circles and do nothing else. I wanted to link a video, but I can't find it anymore, of them doing a timelapse of a food kiosk where you can see this clearly - all the NPCs for that area just sit in that area, move almost not at all, and from dusk till dawn they're still there all the same, being nothing more than literal props. Whatever they planned for them is now mostly a dream on paper and you can see remnants here.
Again, subjective. To you it is, but few people agree. In fact that's the most bizzare thing about this, even the people who love the game (like me, but you can see the lowsodiumcyberpunk sub also) absolutely recognize how basic and lacklustre the AI and the NPC system is in Cyberpunk; it's the absolute last thing you'd praise the game for. Which is fine, it's still a game so people will feel differently about how far they need to go for it to be "believable".
I'm sure they have already.
Nah, the combat AI is way better than either FC6/CP2077 (in terms of reaction times, flanking, ability use and teamwork etc), but they have less of a dynamic role in the actual world, it's obviously much simpler otherwise because they're either guarding or patrolling. This post is long enough but look into their gdc/dev videos if you want, there's a lot to TD2 in terms of AI & world.