There's lot of developers/publishers I'm not interested in. But I dont go and **** up discussions about them, either. I just ignore them, because it's not my thing. Some people just plain *enjoy* disliking things. I'm not that sort of person. I'd rather spend my time talking about things I *am* interested in.
Like I said, these games *are* liked. If you went by how forum postings felt, you'd think Ubisoft would be bankrupt yesterday from how awful their games are and how nobody likes them, but guess what? Many people enjoy these games. It's just vocal minorities that have nothing better to do than to talk bad about stuff they dont like that make it seem otherwise.
Bottom line - Ubisoft is not to blame for the poor posting standards on forums. If you dont like these games, cool. No problem with that. They aren't for everybody and no game is. I could have a lot of harsh words about other games/devs/publishers, but why? It's much easier to spend that effort on things I do like. Gaming has enough variety and scope right now that there's almost always something to be excited about, whoever you are and what your tastes are. Stop wasting your breath with dull, generic negativity that contributes actually nothing to any conversation or discussion and go find something to be enthusiastic about. Shouldn't be hard.