Farage has bank accounts closed

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The idea that acceptance criteria should be applied fairly with no addional 'hidden' (discriminatory) criteria again seems alien to you.

No ones saying that everyone has a 'right' to bank account with a particular bank.

See above as to why he could have been refused. It’s not a hidden system if you’d bother to complete the course. It’s not hidden when several posters who have to do the course have told you why it could have happened.
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It was a commerical decision according to the bank. Everything else you have said is purely conjecture/made up in your head/out of the ass mouth of Farage.

Nice to know that the man is on the same level (financially) as those hard up individuals that voted for Brexit that were sold a pipe dream.

This is simply self interest to remove the controls and protections to allow the corrupt to make more money via corruption, for Putin and corrupt donors to pay and move money around the world to avoid sanctions and pay off politicians to destroy our democracy.

The toad can go **** himself alongside Boris, JRM and the others that are actively attempting to destroy the nation and it's defences against corruption and foreign influence (how's that for a Brexit benefit? Foreign political and commercial influence anyone?). Brexit.. HAHAHA really was that about nationalisation or simply destroying the nation, making it ripe for the rich and corrupt foreign nationals to control the nation?

Happy to have voted Remain.. sort the problem from within. Now we have to sort the problem here from the outside.. with no trade partners and a corrupt foreign political system. So let's start with the internal corruption and let the country build itself (even if that means being friends with foreigners).
It says:

“He DOES admit to being a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), as defined by the Financial Action Task Force, an international body established in 1989 to set international standards for countering money laundering and terrorist financing.He should not be surprised, then, that as a result, his bank is obliged by UK law - the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 - to carry out robust due diligence on him and his banking activities.From what Farage has said, it appears that the bank has done this due diligence and concluded that he represents a level of risk they cannot tolerate.”

That’s some Anti Growth Coalition Blob stuff right there :cry:

I fought the (banking) law and the law won.
So, let me get this straight.

They called him to let him know that his account was being closed in a few weeks and they could move him to another personal account.

They couldn't, however, move his business account for whatever reason but he had time to source this himself.

This is not a story in the slightest.
No, they only made the offer of a new personal account with a sister bank last night after the publicity.
Or perhaps you're just fine with prejudice as long as you and your lot get to do the choosing, got ya!

When it comes to money laundering and financial crime yes discrimination against the corrupt, terrorists and criminals to stop them enjoying ill gotten gains is fine. Do you not agree? It’s called the rule of law, not the rule of feels.
If you have the required balance yes, otherwise you're all for prejudice!

Are you saying that every company must, by law, do business with any individual or company that has the right money? (this includes being in a European market as that would be prejudice not to)
When it comes to money laundering and financial crime yes discrimination against the corrupt, terrorists and criminals to stop them enjoying ill gotten gains is fine. Do you not agree? It’s called the rule of law, not the rule of feels.
Nice try but I already made it clear that someone shouldn't be using the account for criminality and should have at least the required balance. So what other reasons do you think a bank should be able to prejudice against someone because you said it sounded leftie to allow someone such basic rights?
No, they only made the offer of a new personal account with a sister bank last night after the publicity.
Makes one wonder why he needed an offer, if it were me I'd have made enquiries about personal accounts after being turned down for business accounts from a few different banks, you know just to have a contingency and to test if it's a business vs personal account thing.
Have the passengers on the train from Speaker's Corner fully arrived yet, or are some still hobnobbing on the platform?
Not liking your little echo-chamber being slightly less echoey. :p
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