Fastest Pursuit Car ?

Durham's Fireblade:-


These things tend not to be on active duty for long though, they are more of a PR exercise than anything else.

They do, however, use unmarked Blade's and R1's up 'ere in my neck of the woods.
Draeger said:
Durham's Fireblade:-


These things tend not to be on active duty for long though, they are more of a PR exercise than anything else.
not strictly true in this case.
iirc the policeblade was given to Durham constabulary after they made a few suggestions to Honda relating to improving the bike for Police a thank you Honda incorporated the modification and gave Durham the bike as a thank you.
The_Dark_Side said:
not strictly true in this case.
iirc the policeblade was given to Durham constabulary after they made a few suggestions to Honda relating to improving the bike for Police a thank you Honda incorporated the modification and gave Durham the bike as a thank you. they still run it on the vehicle fleet?.

I bet after roll-call every morning they are all fighting for the!!!. :p
Draeger said: they still run it on the vehicle fleet?.

I bet after roll-call every morning they are all fighting for the!!!. :p
to the best of my knowledge it's ran daily.
to be fair you were right as well, it does get used for PR purposes and to be honest with you i don't know what specifically the mod(s) to the bike actually entailed.
Yep, a lot of these marked up superbikes get wheeled out at road/bike safety awareness days.

Grampian had a Ducati 999 ( a rather apt model name ) that they used for that very purpose, it was used during the "Bikesafe" campaign to go out and do assessed rides:-

The_Dark_Side said:
and an orthopaedic surgeon on call 24/7 for the rider too?

you've ridden one as well then? :D


Nope, but a mate had one. For about a year.

Think it was on the road for about 2 months in total.

He reckons it was a "Friday bike".

He runs an SP-2 now. :cool:
Dr Who said:
Yeah until the crook running goes around a bend... lol...

Far better off with the scoob, evo or even a turbo forester if they must have an SUV... Legacy estate even?


When the Cayenne Turbo was first launched EVO magazine tested it against an Mitsubishi Evo 280bhp around Bedford Autodrome and it lapped quicker :)
skipton police have a scooby, i got pulled by it for having no rear lights. also octavia VRS are common hear not half as much as the old T5s, natrually, unmarked cars i have been pulled by a corsa an astra and a vectra, the vectra had lots of arials and hidden lights, but the astra and corsa followed me untill a T5 apeared and pulled me over when the unmarked cars get out to talk to me.
i vote audi rs4/6 for the better ones :)
Firestar_3x said:
Nowt up with the Turbo S in the bends.


You're kidding right?

Maybe not for an SUV, but they are way too heavy to be any good compared to a scoob or an evo...

What you really need is an Apache AH64

"Police", "Fire" and "Ambulance" livery text graphics vary up and down the country.

There are no "rules" which state the wording has to be backwards so it can be read in a vehicle in front's rear view mirror.

There are regulations dealing with other aspects of livery, audible and visual warning devices etc, but none state the text has to be applied backwards. :cool:

All of the fire appliances in my Brigade have either no "Fire" text under the windscreen, or have it applied in the "right way round"/ conventional manner.

Just depends whereabouts you are in the country.
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