Fat, healthy and happy.

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Mr Spew said:
You voiced your opinion, then did it again and again, even though it's derogatory to him and what he does with his body - he's happy, what's the problem?

What he does with his body is his business, yes, but I wish he'd keep his disgusting perversions off the forums. When he does that he makes it our business so any comments, negative or positive should be expected.
Tom|Nbk said:
i have strong feeling's on stuff like this, makes me squemish etc, like i said i didnt mean to directly offend anyone the post was open to discussion i added my 2 penneth, as i would in any normal discussion, end of

No; you came blazing in with derogatory comments levelled directly at myself which makes you nothing more than a troll. I am wide open to debate and constructive criticism but if you are just going to storm in here and call me a prat then I have no time nor tolerance for you.

dirtydog said:
What he does with his body is his business, yes, but I wish he'd keep his disgusting perversions off the forums. When he does that he makes it our business so any comments, negative or positive should be expected.

Crikey...Big holes in my earlobes are now classed as a 'disgusting perversion'?

Wow...That is something I didn't know.

You must realise most people will find it offensive or at least distasteful, so arguably you could be the one trolling by posting such a thread. Anyway I've had my say so I'll leave it now.
dirtydog said:
You must realise most people will find it offensive or at least distasteful, so arguably you could be the one trolling by posting such a thread.

Actually, most people find it interesting and ask questions so sate their own curiousity.

It is a very, very rare occasion where I encounter a narrow-minded peon such as yourself who has such a violent reaction to something they don't understand.

Anyway I've had my say so I'll leave it now.

Buh-bye now...don't let the door hit you...

It's one of the bost bizzare forms of body art that's become quite popular lately, but if it makes you happy then good for you. I'm the kind of person that wouldn't have any piercings, but it's your body and your choice. Good luck getting the 50mm :eek:, I'm sure that'd garner some looks.
Yes it's unconvential. Personally I don't think it's cool and it does nothing for me, however it's Penski's body and he can do as he wishes. Some people will think it's amazing. However he must also accept that some people find it absolutely hideous. People have the right to think it's strange and to post questions to maybe better understand,as long as people don't make their comments personal attacks, or viciously. A comment like "crickey - that looks awful IMO" or "not really my cup of tea, stick to your crazy cars..." is perfectly valid. Stating something like "you're an idiot with no taste blah blah blah...." is out of order. Please refrain from making this personal.

I for one don't like it, however it does suit Penski's personality from what I have learnt from his postings on the forums. It doesn't offend me either - but some people are more easily offended than others. :)

Let's play fair and nice please.

i'm at 10mm and 10mm in my left ear
the bottom i want to stretch to 12 or 14mm asap
the top is staying as it is.
it's pierced through cartilage, and hurts like a beast whenever i try and increase it

and yes, it's all done to get a good husband :D

i love the way they look
i'm a student and the only derogatory comments i've ever recieved are from my much older colleagues in the hospital, when i'm on clinical placement.

they don't 'flap around' and aren't even in the slightest bit disgusting, i also have tattoos, and the general consensus isn't that i'm too bad looking - to be honest i'd be pretty hurt if people based their opinions on me from my body modifications, the things that i choose to have and love having.

but hey, variety is the spice, and all that...
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dirtydog said:
What he does with his body is his business, yes, but I wish he'd keep his disgusting perversions off the forums. When he does that he makes it our business so any comments, negative or positive should be expected.
"disgusting perversions"?! Oh dear, you've obviously not seen much in your time. Of course negative comments are expected, but not the horrible ones we've seen so far.
goldilocks said:
the bottom i want to stretch to 12 or 14mm asap

whats the urgency? i think its an interesting look, but:
- would you get bored/regret it when youre older?
- youre ears never stop growing so wouldnt the hole just get bigger and bigger after a certain amount of stretching?

other questions out of curiosity...
- do you need to take them out when say you have a shower?
- do you use anything special to keep them in place?

thanks in advance for educating me :p
Each to their own, I suppose.

If people enjoy deforming their own body, then that's none of my business. I just think they are screwed in the head for doing such things to themselves.
Penski i reckon you should get some spinners put in your ears, just like the americans do on their cars...now that would pretty awesome imho.

Anyways looks cool, each to their own i guess and as long as your happy thats all that matters :).
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