Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

7 Aug 2003
You could use EXACTLY the same argument for people that ride motorbikes than stack-them and spend weeks in hospital.

Yet people that chose NOT to ride motorbikes maybe didn't have treatment because of speed-boy.

But the bottom line is the NHS is meant for all residents of this country. The absolute cornerstone since day 1 has been 'everyone can use it' - to0 now start saying 'Only some people can use it' is to destroy it ..
The difference is, bikers or anyone else indeed don't choose to have accidents. This women chose to have a gastric band at great cost to the NHS fitted, then killed herself regardless.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Whatever her mental problems - and I'm just about prepared to accept that they could be very severe and responsible for her gluttony - her family are a complete disgrace.

Lawsuit in 3... 2...
25 Jan 2009
But what would your sentiments/opinion be? :) I haven't read any of your previous replies, so apologies for not knowing if it's a "Good" response or not.

My opinion would be the same as this particular story.. If you really care about living, you'd do whatever you can to live and same goes for the family.

Although it wouldn't be as funny just because we can't make fatty jokes.

edit: The fatty and her family can't blame anything on food.. It's both their responsibility, as I've said before, I think being obese is immoral.
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18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
My opinion would be the same as this particular story.. If you really care about living, you'd do whatever you can to live and same goes for the family.

Although it wouldn't be as funny just because we can't make fatty jokes.

edit: The fatty and her family can't blame anything on food.. It's both their responsibility, as I've said before, I think being obese is immoral.
Eating disorders are a mental condition. It's all well and good to simplify your instincts into a simple boolean expression like you have done, but the human mind is much, much more complex than that. For someone who has an eating disorder, be it too much or not enough, then that simple line you've drawn can become very blurred.
7 Nov 2004
Well, a lot of 'hate' replies here, but hey I can see peoples issue here.

Hell, I had a small part of my intestines removed a few years ago, and I couldn't eat for a few days, I literally had a fob of pink liquid to dab on my lips...If I had any major amount of food I could risk ripping it open!

Naturally if you have an eating dissorder, this is probably harder to do, but seriously...the family? What were they thinking? If this story is actually true, and it was very close to the surgery...I just fail to understand peoples thinking!
15 Oct 2003
Would I be right in saying the word you mean is negligence?

In which case the family would have been responsible for her care - they weren't, the NHS was. If the doctors gave her fish and chips then yes it would be negligence and thus manslaughter. I don't believe this to be the case though.

I'm not sure negligence is what I mean, could be.
My thoughts are that the woman killed herself by eating, the family assisted with her death.

Sure there could be blame for the hospital. The idiots shouldn't have been banned from visiting at all, they were clearly wrong in the head, bringing food to someone who's had this operation.

There must be some sort of case AGAINST the family?
25 Jan 2009
Eating disorders are a mental condition. It's all well and good to simplify your instincts into a simple boolean expression like you have done, but the human mind is much, much more complex than that. For someone who has an eating disorder, be it too much or not enough, then that simple line you've drawn can become very blurred.

This is exactly what I mean by people not being able to take responsibility... blaming it all the time on mental condition, hell, I had really bad anger issue, and yet, I've managed to not kill anyone.
13 Feb 2003
It's interesting to think about what the Husband and family members must be going through now, as effectively they've got to live for the rest of their lives with the fact they helped to kill her.

Sure, she CLEARLY didn't do herself any favors and she may have been very persuasive, but she was in Hospital and had treatment to try and correct her problem. If her family had shown some willpower and restraint as well and followed what the Doctors had warned, she might not be dead now.

Trouble is, unless Hospitals start stopping and searching visitors for 'contraband' I think it's difficult to stop.

I remember myself being in Hospital last year with an appendectomy and one old Muslim man on my ward didn't eat the hospital food, I guess for religious reasons and he ate a lot of more traditional curried type foods that his family brought in every day.

The morning before his surgery, his son asked the Nurse if he would be able to eat once he came out of recovery, as obviously he was hungry. She said, yes of course, something very light and simple. To which the son then said, OK, "Fish and Chips alright?"

Que the nurse then explaining a strict NO, and how fish and chips was a heavy meal and the complete opposite of what he should be having!

Later in the day, the son and family turn up with Fish and Chips from a takeaway that stink out the whole ward and give it to their Father, and did anyone stop him? No.....!
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