Homer drives the ball up high, and he yells "Woo-hoo!" while it
flies in the air, but it lands in the sand trap: "D'oh!" Burns
adds, "Yes, you're in deep d'oh now." It's Burns' turn, and
he hits the ball far. Smithers remarks "Perfect as always, sir.
Right on the green."
Homer tries to get the ball out of the sand trap.
Burns: Oh, quit cogitating, Steinmetz, and use an open-faced club.
The sand wedge!
Homer: Mmm... open-faced club sandwich.
Sideshow Mel: Chief! You have arrested an innocent man!
Chief Wiggum: Really? All right Doctor Colossus, you're free to go. But stay away from Death Mountain.
Dr. Colossus: But all my stuff is there!
Marge: This is a little to spooky for me, i don't even like watching the count on sesame street.
The Sesame Street Count: One coconut. Two coconuts. Three coconuts! (Laughs)
Marge: Go back to your own country!!
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