Favorite line from the Simpsons?

Chief wiggum answering to why the dogs look so angry

" I've been teasin em pokin em sing off key Ma moo mi ma, ma moo mi mo "

Homer: No TV and No Beer make homer go.......
Marge: Crazy ?
Homer: Dont mind if I do (cue insane ramblings)
this is my all time favourite:

Govt Agent: [about Homer's mail] Most people write to movie stars, this guy writes to movies.
[reads letter]
Govt Agent: Dear Die Hard, you rock. Especially the part where that dude is on the rooftop. P.S. Do you know Mad Max?

P.S - First post! :cool:
Burns: Oh, and one more thing: [ominously] you must find the jade
monkey before the next full moon.
Smithers: Actually sir, we found the jade monkey; it was in your glove
Burns: And the road maps? And ice scraper?
Smithers: They were in there too, sir.
Burns: Ex-cellent! It's all falling into place.
Homer: "Homer, Homer Simpson he's the greatest guy in history, from the town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut tree..AAAH"
It's from the episode where bart millhouse martin and nelson steal a car.

They're travelling along and the father of the family in the car next to them yells to his troublesome kids he'll turn the car round and go home if they cause him anymore trouble. Nelson leans forward out of the window of his own car he's travelling in and smacks the back of the father's head with a rolled up newspaper, who of course turns the car around.

Not really a quote but hilarious nevertheless.
My favourite two "homer-isms" have to be

"It's not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to fit in eight hours of TV a day."


"With $10,000 we can buy lots of things, like love"
German exchange student (sorry can't remember the name) - “Don’t chase me! I’m full of chocolate!”

When the police are chasing bart in a tank

Wiggum: Hey Lui (coloured cop, think thats his name) shoot out the tires
Lui: erm.......chief thats a tank.
Wiggum: im getting really tired of your excuses Lui
The exchange between Bart and Comic Book Guy in the episode, "Marge Be Not Proud" (an episode that would remind anyone of disappointing their mum as a child).

Bart: I want to buy a copy of Bonestorm, here's 99 cents.
CBG: Huh. Allow me to summarise the proposed transaction. You
wish to purchase Bonestorm for 99 cents, net profit to
me, negative 59 dollars.
(CBG opens the till)
CBG: Oh, oh, please take my 59 dollars, I don't want it, it's
(Bart reaches for the money)
CBG: Er, er, er. Seeing as we are unfamiliar with sarcasm, I
shall close the register at this point, and state that
99 cents is the rental price.

Cracks me up for some reason. :D :D
homer: "ohh, I wanted a peanut"
homers brain: "money can buy many peanuts"
homer: "explain how"
homers brain: "Money can be exchanged for goods or services"
homer: "WOOHOO"
One from Simpson Tide :-

Captain : Im a man of few words. Any questions?
Homer : Is the poop deck what I think it is?
Captain : (chuckles) I like the cut of your jib
Homer : Whats a jib?
Captain : (Laughs) (to another officer) Promote that man!
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