FEAR: Is it Scary?

On the grand scheme of things it's not all that scary but for a computer game yes it did make me jump a few times and my skin crawled in those weird 'dream' sequences fighting ghost thingys.

The cheap shock tactics (bodies flashing up on your screen, girl appearing out of nowhere are)..... not genuinely scary in a psychological sense, it's kinda like when you are watching a film and then suddenly something jumps out at you.
Its a game you have to play in the dark on your own.

You can run through it, turn the speakers down and just play it as a point and shoot. But then you dont get to enjoy the game as it was meant to be played.

Its like watching SAW but fast forwarding the gorey bits.
I wouldn't say its scary, its a bit creepy a few times in the first 20 minutes or so. Then its just the same over and over again until the end. The ending was pretty good though.

I personally think this is a very over hyped game. :o
I just finished playing Extraction point and although is wasn't as good as Fear it does at one point have probably one of the most grusome, prolonged and psycolgically wiierd death scenes of a character in any game I've played.
Bulletime made it MUCH less scary, the moment something jumped out you could slap on bullet time and then had an easy victory imo.

That being said though I've still bought both the games from the MM since I want to play them both through again :D (Haven't played the expansion yet) If it ever arrives..
I know this is an old post but ive been trying to figure out how this game got such good reviews :confused:

3 People have said to me recently: 'Have you played Fear?', 'No I haven't' ..... 'Ooo you must play fear, you'll love it'.

Played it for about half an hour last night, and i found it sooo booooring. But my mate said, no it aint, its gets better! So i looked online to see what kind of ratings this game got and its like 9/10 :eek:
Gave it another hour or so tonight and.... i dont get it :confused:

How did this game get such good reviews? What exactly is scary about it? I find myself wandering around corridors all the time trying to figure out where to go, because its rarely obvious and everything looks the same. In that way, its kind of like Doom3, but at least that scared the living **** out of me!

And the SlowMo thing, nice but id much rather play Max Payne! Heard its got a cool ending so i may play it to the end, but to be quite honest.... id rather not as this is quite possibly the most uninspiring game ive played in a years - and apparently there are 2 sequels :eek:
Very but you need one vital ingredient: headphones... it doesn't matter what speakers you have or how many, it won't compare to what headphones will provide you in games like this.

I wouldn't say as scary as Doom3, but definetly more creepy, FEAR concentrates much more on the building suspense, rather than Doom3s cascade of insta-scares. If you set aside enough time and allow yourself to be absorbed into the gameplay rather than fighting it everystep of the way (which is what so many misguided fools seem to think is the approach to these games), then you will have a blast.

This game is very well composed, peoples critique of it is poor at best... they will gibe on about just about anything that has absolutely no basis what so ever. Often they will slander elements of the game that were done better in FEAR than any FPS predecessor, but that is why you should never listen to them, they exhibit what can only be described as selective-standards disorder. Some games can be ok but they will give it rave reviews as if its the coming of a digital messiah, others can be great yet for some unforseen reason because it wasn't 100years ahead of its time it is utter rubbish of the highest degree.
I have found it has aged really quite horribly. It felt like quite a fresh game at the time, the graphics were very polished with effects that just looked stunning, AI seemed considered and challenging and the atmosphere was well thought through (although creepy is not the same as scary, this game is creepy). I loved it.

So, last week I decided to reinstall. I got about 40-50 mins in and had to uninstall. It just wasn't doing anything for me, not like when it was the new kid. Having already played through it a few times I didn't expect to be too freaked out, but it did absolutely nothing at all for me. The graphics have aged, the combat was tedious and the "scary" elements I just found quite cheap. I know I would still probably enjoy the later levels, but I couldn't find the patience to get there.

Off the top of my head there is only one game that has ever genuinely scared me. It wasn't through creepy voices or clichéd vague shadowy figures, and unfortunately it only lasts for 15 minutes. That was Half Life 2 Episode 2 (hear me out), fairly early on in the game while being chased in a cave by a large creature (trying not to spoil anything). It doesn't matter how many times I play it because it works on the idea that your life is genuinely in jeopardy, but you have no idea how close to death you actually are. This never happens in F.E.A.R. I couldn't feel afraid because it just wasn't threatening, every time Alma popped up I thought, so what? What's next, you'll wave your arms around and go "whhhhhhoooOooOo, I'm gonna getcha, I'm gonna getcha!".
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