US: Fear the Walking Dead

I was very disappointed in the mother for not warning the people across the road having the kids party :(. I take it at the end it was the mother of the kids being attacked? So the kids will still be inside the house and she just stands in front of the door to stop her daughter going to help? I don't buy that once civilisation starts to break down that everyone would just become heartless and only out for themselves. I know that under any circumstances I would lay down my life to save a child, or at least do everything I could to save them. Found that a bit sad tbh.

I think they are trying to take it from the angle of imagine zombies happening in a world without the general population being as conditioned by TV shows like the walking dead, etc. she kind of hints at how would she'd explain it to them? and they'd just think she was crazy even with the stuff already happening.
I was wondering how the military knew to go there? There seems to be very little explained, which can be good and bad.

Think they were sweeping the area. Going through marking each household and clearing them. Thinking I guess they can still contain the situation. So perhaps this part of the miltary don't have all the answers.

Plus points - tension, tone and denim boob :D. However scaffolding and back door - lazy/stupid.

Yeah enjoyed the tension but same old frustrations. Travis suddenly went backwards and didn't know or not convinced again about the infected? Also the 'commander' :) daughter went back alone?? Like you say very lazy and a little unreal. The leaving the back door open was sooooooooo :rolleyes: :mad:

The brief hospital scene and the lights going out was a good touch.
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Why was every car smashed up and on fire, yet his big fat white pick up was untouched right in the middle of the road :p
Episode three was good, think this could shape up to be a promising series. Agree untouched pickup was lol though.
Why was every car smashed up and on fire, yet his big fat white pick up was untouched right in the middle of the road :p

Probably because it was in the script :P

Enjoyed the episode, wonder if the last three episodes of the season will really ramp it up.
Really enjoying the show so far. Agreed there are a few little annoyances though, like the truck being completely untouched and also what on earth was that wooden maze thing in the neighbours garden?! As soon as you saw it you knew someone was going to get lost in there with a walker.
I am enjoying it, though starting to be a bit critical of the loose ends/lazy bits.

Like, I did think it was a bit soon for the blackouts to start
Patrick the asian man that came back home had me screaming at the Screen. I know it is his wife Susan but she was clearly "messed" up. Typical cliche trying ti hug her as well!!
It was normal to me. The character doesn't know what a zombie is and has heard nothing about the outbreak. He's just coming home and finds his wife walking toward him with her arms outstretched, looking unwell. Him going to hug her would be appropriate in a lot of cases.
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