US: Fear the Walking Dead

For anyone that is intrested all 16 parts of Flight 462 is available on youtube. It is a mini webseries that lasts one minute each which ties into FTWD when it restarts. At the end of 462, one character from this flight will join the main group.
It's back, a slow but good episode to get the second season started.

Looks like Travis still continuing the trend where he has accepted the reality of the situation. Super ninja zombies in the water. Aliicia still very naive and most likely has lured Negan early in the series lol :D
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Travis's son was annoying as hell, you would know he going to get them in trouble sooner or later.?

Was expecting a shark or zombie to get him when he decided to go swimming? How did the boat just stop when he did that?
Yeah ridiculous, firstly they are trying to avoid being eaten by zombies so he decided to stick around and sit with his mums dead body and then going swimming and putting everyone at risk, if he wasn't my son I'd leave him behind before he got me killed.

totally!! What about him belting his dad in the face. He should have smacked some sense back into him.

So dull and the usual nonsense writing. I hope they all get eaten.

Haha you say that about all walking dead survivors :D
^^ Can't believe I had high hopes for this show initially and its turned into some of the most garbage I've watched on TV.

Bet Alycia was on the phone to the producers of The 100 begging them to take her back lol.

Lol probably. This could have been so much more but I will still watch it :D
Promising start to season 3.

Although not sure how I feel about what happened at the start of episode 2, happened too early to the point where it felt out of place (did the actor want to leave the show or something?) and it just seems like a waste of a potentially very good character.

Chris Curtis got offered a role in the up coming Avatar movies so i guess he put in his resignation and they wrote him out. My concern is that there is no leader now and no "Rick". Unless Nick becomes less erratic to fit into the role or the new boy from the Range perhaps.
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Last few episodes have picked up slightly. Was a bit surprised in the llatest but I guess it had to pick up in some way.
Ok I didn't see that coming. Here is hoping they get going to something a tad more interesting. Great ending though.
Wow good first episode, ties in quite nicely. John the gunslinger is great but Maggie Grace is my favourite. :D
Wow it's getting better, I didn't expect that, in fact I am shocked.

omg Nick!!!!!
That's a very bold move killing off one of the main characters in such an undramatic way as well!! watching it was like WTF?!!?...especially when Nick was starting to get along with Morgan and been a key character from the very first episode!..Not sure where there going with this, maybe they want to prove that no one is safe! a bit like Game Of Thrones.

3rd episode in I think FtwD has brought back something TwD has been lacking of late, and I actually don't mind Morgan in Fear, he seemed to annoy me in TwD! LOL

I was thinking something similar had happened to

Madison as you only see her from the flask backs.
The next episode when its back again better be spectacular or I'm done - though a season break at this point really isn't doing the show any favours either.

LoL you have been saying that in almost every thread you posted. If its that bad why continue to watch it if it irritates you that much?
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