Feek's macOS useful tools, utilities and applications thread

Does anyone know if there is a tool for macOS that clears what is on your clipboard every five minutes or so? I always get a bit paranoid when I copy passwords and other sensitive data.
Does anyone know if there is a tool for macOS that clears what is on your clipboard every five minutes or so? I always get a bit paranoid when I copy passwords and other sensitive data.
Can't say i've looked for an app, as my password manager clears the clipboard, but you could script something around the pbcopy command and schedule it with a cron job.
Anyone use Magnet and now have issues with it not starting or reboot? My option is ticked for launch on boot but I have to manually start it. Not. huge issue as I rarely power down but it's a tiny bit annoying.
Anyone use Magnet and now have issues with it not starting or reboot? My option is ticked for launch on boot but I have to manually start it. Not. huge issue as I rarely power down but it's a tiny bit annoying.
Not had this issue, some apps need it setting a few times before it sticks I've found.
Quick question and i appreciate this is very much a me (being a bit special) issue but - has anyone found a way of locking a maximised (not fullscreen) app windows position, similar to how (MS) Window's gui works with maximised apps?

I have a habit, usually when rushing around between apps, with maximised apps of accidentally clicking a resizer and making an app window smaller or clicking the 'title bar' and dragging the app around and it's extremely irritating.

I do use Rectangle for snapping and have tried a few of the other snapping type tools but have yet to find anything that does this.
I bought DaisyDisk in the end. Very nice interface but it could try to mark which files are likely to be deleted without breaking the OS install. Other than that I'm pretty have with that.

I also bought it direct from developer as apparently the app store version is missing some featues.
Managed to easily save 70GB of space. If I really went over everything I could lose more but it is not urgent now. It is nice that it works on my laptop and my desktop.
Thread bump but, i'm on the hunt for a decent music play that natively supports FLAC. iTunes/Apple Music is out due to FLAC support (and other shoddiness) - i know i can convert to ALAC but my library (sits on NAS's) is many, many TB's and i have players that don't support ALAC.

Under Windows i still use Winamp and the library is decent enough for my needs and if there was a Mac version i would jump on it. On Mac i currently use Foobar but the library side of it is really painful to use and not exactly featureful.

I've already tried Aural but it's terrible, slow and doesn't like my music library with it stalling.
Clementine just crashes which i suspect is because it hasn't be updated in years.
Museeks seems ok but it doesn't have much in the way of a library, rather it dumps everything in to one 'playlist' rather than sorting it by artist, album etc. It does have a decent search though.
Vox looks nice but library features are locked behind a $50 per year subscription; so that can kindly go forth and multiply.
Swinsian seems really good, offers loads of features although not free at $25 but not too bad i guess.
IINA/VLC/Elmedia all seem better suited to video and don't really offer much in the way of library features.
Have seen Fidelia, Colibri and Audirvana but they're in the £15 - £100 range and/or subscription based.

Maybe i've missed something obvious but does anyone have any recommendations for a decent music player?

Tar all :)
what's the best app for managing books on a kindle? aka what app do I need to upload epubs to my kindle?
Tried Calibre?

I use it to use it to convert books and then email them to my Kindle.
Agreed. I use Calibre and Book Fusion. Fantastic combo for reading ebooks where ever you want.

The other option is that you can email ePub books to your Amazon Kindle email address and it will automatically convert them and put them on your kindle for free.
Not sure it's been recommended before but I've been using OmniDiskSweeper, a disk space app, extensively this morning. It's free, it works very well and is easy to understand. It's helped me recover about 200Gb of disk space so far which says a lot
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